Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday November 17, 2010

Breakfast Club morning and I get up at 0500 to let Ms P do her bidness and then take my fiber and pill. I am back in bed by 0515 and then get up with the alarm at 0545. It was pitch black when I left this morning. This morning a Breakfast Club member who is an avid sailor, the Rev Maurice Fetty, talked about his sailing experiences on Lake Michigan and Long Island Sound. During his talk he interspersed comments on Armistice Day and Thanksgiving. It was a great presentation.

After breakfast I came home loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran some errands. When we got home from the errands Ms P and I walked around the block. It started to rain and thunder when we were halfway around the block. Ms P and I ran home. As soon as we got home the sun came out. At 1130 I pedaled to the MAC for a 45 minute swim. I still cannot do the freestyle stroke but my breast stroke is getting quite good. After a quick lunch I took a short nap.

Nancy had to work at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home about 1645. As soon as she got home I headed out on a 3.25 mile walk. At the corner of Pontiac and Gladstone I saw a huge Hawk in an Oak Tree. I watched the bird for several minutes and then it flew off. I think it was a Cooper's Hawk. I got home at 1750 and for the last 30 minutes it was pitch black. I might need a flashlight on future last afternoon walks. The days will continue to get shorter for the next 34 days.

This afternoon I checked the Alpena News on line edition. They have a new web site and it is very good. They have archived the obituaries and anniversaries for the past two years. I check the anniversaries and saw that my old high school football coach had just celebrated his 60th. Also a high school classmate, Pete Dent, had celebrated his 50th. Pete set the MI high school record for the 100 yard and 220 yard dash in his senior year. His high school record for these distances still stands. Pete and wife celebrated their anniversary by going on a fishing trip to BC, Canada.

This evening we watched the news and read the GRP. At 2000 we watched an action show on Fox. It was not too bad. At 2100 we headed to bed.

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