Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friday November 5, 2010

I am back to my early rise at 0500 and then return to bed for another hour of sleep. It was cold and black when I left for the MAC this morning. I got about halfway there when I noticed that it was snowing. This is the first snow of the 2010/2011 winter. Of course nothing is sticking but snow is snow.

In addition to the snow I was almost blown off the road by the high wind. Luckily the wind was out of the north and my ride to the Kava House is mostly east/west. I hurried through the WSJ and DFP because I had to be home by 1200. Today I am taking Ms P to the Vet for her annual physical. Ms P was shaking when we entered the Vet's office. Like a people physical the Doc looked at her mouth, ears, nose and other body parts. Her heart was checked and the Doc drew some blood and also gave her a shot. She is now up to date on her shots. I must collect a stool sample next week and we won't know the results of the blood work until next week. The preliminary verdict is that Ms P is one healthy dog. She weighs 10 pounds which is a good weight for a doodle.

When we got home we picked up Nancy and headed to Costco. Nancy got some Halloween pictures developed and filled a prescription. I bought a pair of pants. On our way home we stopped at Chase Bank so Nancy could make a OHNA deposit. When we got home I took a 1.5 mile walk.

Nancy wanted to go to Kohl's tonight so we decided to eat first at Panerra Bread and then head to Kohl's. I had the sourdough bread soup bowl (clam chowder) and Nancy had a bowl of chicken noodle soup. The place was very crowded. After soup we headed to Kohl's and then home. Not much on TV so we headed to bed early.

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