Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday November 10, 2010

Wednesday and no Breakfast Club today so I will eat at Bill's. I got up at 0500 and took Ms P out and then back to bed. I finally got up at 0710. I got dressed and ready to pedal to Bill. I mentioned to Nancy that I called yesterday and got an appointment with my ear doctor. My left ear causes me problems about once a year. I cannot hear out of the left. Nancy said she could fix that so she got out the ear flushing hardware and flushed some water into my ear. After several tries we noted that nothing was coming out. However, I thought I could feel a piece of wax. I got a flashlight and Nancy inspected the ear and could see a big plug. She got out a little tool that you insert into the ear and it grabs the plug. I had never seen it before but she said she used it on the kids ears. Sure enough she reached in and pulled out a big wad of ear wax. I can now hear out of my left ear. Thanks to Nancy's home remedies.

I had the weekday special at Bill's. I also read the WSJ and DFP. On my way home I took a side trip around Reeds Lake. Kim, the cleaning lady, came today. So to get out of her way I dressed for the GRBA meeting this afternoon and then got in the C2 and headed to the MAC. I swam for 30 minutes. The GRBA meeting was a 1400. The meeting lasted about an hour. When I got home I took Ms P around the block. After Ms P's walk I took a 1.5 mile walk. On my walk I received a phone call from Jim Kloote a bridge contractor. Jim married Mike O'Donnell 's daughter. Mike is from Alpena and is two years older, The O'Donnell's lived on State Street near our home. It was a social call and we filled each other in on what was happening in our lives. Jim, just this week, was made a member of the Doctor's Club. The Doctor's Club is one of the oldest hunting clubs in NE Michigan. It was nice of Jim to call.

Nancy has book club this evening so I am having beer and pizza with Tom. Tom and I had a good time at Vitales eating pizza and drinking beer. I got home at 1945 and Nancy got home soon after. I took Ms P out before going to bed. While outside I enjoyed watching the beautiful crescent moon. At 2100 we headed upstairs.

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