Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday November 12, 2010

Today I did the up at 0500 do some chores and then back to bed until 0700. I knew it was Friday because I was a little sluggish doing my exercises. However, I did get everything done and I was at the Kava House by 1100. I continue to read about the committee studying how to lower our deficits and the more I read the more I like. I am happy to report that we had another beautiful Indian Summer day.

After lunch I loaded Ms P in the C2 and headed to Bill and Paul's to look for some lightweight summer pants. Needless to say they did not have any but I could buy some great snow pants. I wanted the lightweight pants for our trip to Hawaii this December. After Bill and Paul's I stopped by the MAC to put next week's workout clothes in my locker and bring this week's dirty clothes home. When we got home Nancy had arrived and so she laid out some chores I must do before our dinner party tomorrow night. I did call Jennifer Dougherty to get an update on how things were going since they got back from AA. She was happy to report that all aspects of her life are back to normal and going as good as could be expected.

I need some new sweatshirts so I got in the C2 and headed to the "Let's Go Blu" shop in Grandville. When I got to the store the sign said they were closed. Why didn't I call first?

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Olga's in Gaslight Village. The meal was good. We both had the peasant soup and I also had an Olga Original. Not much on TV tonight so I read the GRP and then took a 1.5 mile walk. It was warm and cloudy. For the first time in a week I could not see the moon.

On November 11, 1955 I played my last football game for AHS. We played Hamtramck. Hamtramck is a city completely surrounded by the City of Detroit. In 1955 it had one of the largest concentration of Polish people outside of Poland. We played Hamtramck because Alpena had a very large Polish population. It was a high scoring game but we did prevail. The one thing I do remember is that it was very cold. I think the temperature was in the 20s. The Hamtramck team kept the team bus running with the heater going full blast. Periodically team members would go into the bus to warm up. Of course us hardy northerners stayed outside and endured. Oh the things we remember.

The Daily Beast today had an article entitled "Boy's Self-Esteem Crisis". Girls are doing better in high schools than boys and thus can get into better schools. In fact there are more women in college now than boys. When I went to UM women made up about 30% of the enrollment. I think one of the problems is the difficulty in getting into schools like UM. I have been told that a 4.0 average is required. I think this is nonsense. Most boys do not place grades as a high priority in high school. I think that if a student is in the top 25% of his class that they should be allowed to go to any public college in the state. I think by college most boys have settled down and are ready to get serious.

Jennifer Dougherty pointed out an error in yesterdays blog. I said WWI ended in 1911. In fact WWI ended in 1918. The term 11/11/11 stands for the eleventh day/the eleventh month and the eleventh hour.

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