Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday November 13, 2010

Saturday morning and it is going to start out as a nice day. The temperature at 0700 was 46⁰. I checked Nov 13 and the avg. high is 47⁰, avg. low 32⁰ and the mean temperature is 39⁰. According to the weather folks we are getting back to normal temperatures. Today I am going on a long bike ride because it might be my last chance this year. First I have to eat breakfast so I pedal to Bill's for their potatoes and eggs special. When I get home I let Ms P out and she immediately runs across the street and nearly gets hit. From now on I am putting a leash on her until she learns the street must be avoided.

I load the At on the C2 and head for Riverside Park. Today I pedaled to Rockford. It is 11.2 miles from Riverside Park to the trails intersection with Bridge Street in Rockford. It is a nice day for a ride. The leaves are off the trees so I can see the Rogue River from the trail. Traffic on the trail was very light.

After my ride I stopped by D&W in Gaslight Village and was surprised the parking lot was full. Then it hit me the lot was full because of all the folks attending the EGR/Zeeland football game. I bought some beer for tonight's party. Nancy, as usual, was well organized and I didn't have to do anything except take out the garbage. I took my shower and a short nap. I even listened to the UM game on the radio. They won.

The guests arrived at 1800 and we had wine and snacks before the main dinner. Everyone was in a good mood and Nancy had prepared a great meal. After the meal we retired to the living room and had coffee and talked. The last guest left at 2130. After a quick cleanup we headed upstairs. It was a long day for Nancy and she worked hard preparing the meal. As usual everything went off without a hitch. She should be proud.

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