Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday Novmeber 19, 2010

Yes folks it is finally Friday. I followed my normal routine and was home from the Kava House by 1230. Ms P and I took a 1.1 mile walk today. This is the longest walk we have taken in months. She did not seem to have any problem with the walk. It was cold today so I did wear my lined pants. In fact I got on line in the afternoon and ordered another pair from Woolrich.

Nancy had a 1430 hair appoint. She continues to wear her hair short which is the way I like it.

About 1530 we got in the Taurus and headed downtown. Our first stop was the GR Symphony office to buy tickets for the New Year's Eve concert. Next we found a parking spot in the Ottawa/Ionia Ramp and walked across the street to the GR Art Museum. We bought an annual membership. We stayed and walked through the museum. We purchased a groupon ticket to J. Gardella's Tavern so we had dinner at this fine establishment. I had the perch dinner and Nancy had a chicken sandwich. I also had several Blue Moon beers. Our tab came to $3.79. After dinner we headed home and watched a little TV before heading to bed.

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