Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday November 16, 2010

I am back in business. I decided that my space bar problem was caused by a default in the space bar key. I changed keyboards and everything is working fine. Ms P was extra hyper last night and it took several hours to get her settled down. As a result of her hyperactivity I slept in until almost 0720 this morning. It was cool this morning but still above 32. I wore gloves on my bike ride but if the temperature continues to drop I will change to mittens. The MAC was almost empty this morning. I got done in record time. I must announce that for the first time in almost a five months I can now do a push up. This is a major milestone on my road to recovery.

Today is free refill Tuesday at the Kava House. I read both the DFP and WSJ. I continue to enjoy the WSJ especially the articles about commodities. I have a big interest in mining and agricultural activities around the world. The WSJ does seem very nervous about the progress China is making on the economic front. They think that China will surpass us and my grandkids will not experience the prosperity that my generation enjoyed. Time will tell, but I think that when we finally get serious and forget all the silliness, we will successfully respond to this challenge. I remember Sputnik in 1957 and how we responded to the Soviet space challenge.

After lunch I got in the C2 and drove out to Alto to see Jennifer Dougherty. Jennifer looks great even after all the trials and tribulations she has experienced with Cabel. I got to see Cabel and he is a cute lad. We talked about work and the prospects for the coming years. I am always optimistic. After my trip to Alto I stopped by Meijer's to pick up a prescription. They had not filled it so I came home and took a short nap.

I really don't care about William and Kate. My folks left the UK because they wanted a meritocracy and not success determined by hereditary. Down with the royal family!

For dinner Nancy cut up some chicken left over from the Saturday night dinner, added some pasta and vegetables, mixed them all together and made a tasty dish. We watched the news, read the GRP and then watched NCIS. After NCIS we headed to bed.

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