Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thursday November 18, 2010

Last night Ms P was missing from her bed. We think she was sleeping in a bed recently used by Missy and AJ. Nancy thinks that their smell still lingers. I got up at 0500 and did my morning chores and then went back to bed until 0700. It was quite cold this morning when I left for the MAC. It was also dark and I had to use all my lights. The MAC was empty this morning so I got done earlier than normal. If I don't have anyone to talk to I get right to business.

I read the DFP and WSJ at the Kava House. I did not find any article that I thought worthy of my comment. I got home about 1230. I had a quick lunch and Ms P and I headed upstairs to my office where I am now writing this blog. I have the space heater going full blast because I got very cold riding my bike this morning. I think I will start having to wear lined pants in the future.

Nancy is attending a luncheon this afternoon. We will have an early dinner at Great Lakes Shipping because we have to attend an OHNA meeting this evening at 0700. I did squeeze in a 2.25 mile walk this afternoon.

After dinner Nancy and I attended the OHNA meeting at the new elementary school. We met in the gym which is very nice. There were about there were 35 members in attendance. I volunteered for the street light committee. We got home about 2015. At 2100 we came to bed. It is going to get down to the low 20s tonight.

Finally we had a dark, cold and gloomy November day. I enjoyed having time to spend catching up on my reading and doing inside things.

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