Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday November 23, 2010

I had a pretty restless night. I could not sleep so about 0230 I played games on my itouch for about 45 minutes. I took Ms P out at 0430. It was early but I thought because she did not do her bidness last night because of the heavy rain that her bladder was probably full. I returned to bed and got up at 0630. It was about 40 degrees this morning when I headed to the MAC. It was also very dark. I debated whether to wear lined pants. I chose the lined pants and it was a good decision. I think the temperature dropped 10⁰ on my way to the MAC. The wind was very brisk.

The favorite expression I heard at the MAC was "what a difference a day makes". A drop of 30⁰ has everyone talking. On my ride to the Kava House I had to ride into a heavy west wind. In fact I put the bike in low gear just to make some headway.

After the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then dropped a book off at the library for Nancy and bought a six pack at D&W. When I got home I took a nap. After the nap I packed for our trip to Lakewood. For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. On our way home Nancy could not find her purse so we headed back to GLS. The purse was safe and sound.

We read the GRP and watched NCIS before heading to bed. We hope to leave early tomorrow I order to miss some holiday traffic.

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