Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday November 4, 2010

This morning I have an appointment to bring the C2 to Berger Chevy so they can fix a power steering problem. The C2 is under recall. I had the car into Berger at 0745. They say it would take 1.5 hours so I walk to the MAC, a distance of 1 mile. This morning I rowed 20 minutes. Before the fall I was rowing 20 minutes, actually 4K, every day. It felt good. However, my happiness was lessened when I was talking to a young doctor at the MAC. I was explaining my recovery and he checked by pushing and shoving on my shoulder. I felt some pain and he said that I probably had a rotator cuff problem that might require surgery. I explained that I was going to avoid the knife at all costs. I hope that over time the shoulder will heal.

After the MAC I walked back to Berger and picked up the C2. I stopped by the Kava House and read the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I was going to take Nancy to Costco but I saw by her calendar that she was working at the hospital. So I got Ms P and we headed to Home Depot to look at their selection of storm doors. I hope to put on a new east side storm door this winter. The existing door is in tough shape. Our next stop was Staples where I bought some supplies for my office. When I got home I played around the office and then took a 1.5 mile walk.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the French dip and Nancy had the Chinese chicken salad. At home I started reading the paper and immediately fell asleep. I slept almost an hour. Not much in the paper and we came upstairs at 2100.

On this date in 1955 the Alpena High Wildcats football team traveled to Bay City to play Bay City Handy. We won handily and I got to play the whole game. We had snow that week but the field had been cleared before the game. My Uncle Harold and Aunt Helen from Alma made a special trip to Bay City to see me play. I was very excited about them attending.

It has been below freezing the past several mornings. Nancy and I are getting out the cold weather gear.

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