Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday November 9, 2010

It is getting to be a routine. Up at 0500 take Ms P outside, drink my fiber, take my pill and back to bed until 0700. The stars were out at 0500 and the temperature was in the high 30s. I pedaled to the MAC today and about the half way point I noticed that my handle bars were loose. My rear view mirror on the handle bar kept moving. I could easily move the bar. I was worried that the handle bar might come off and then I would take a big fall. I was going to stop and walk the bike when I remembered that I had a jack knife type set of tools. I stopped got out the handy dandy tool and found an Allen wrench that fit the handle bars and tightened everything up. Another disaster diverted by my foresight.

I got to the Wealthy Steet/ Breton Road light when who should I see but Pam Schwaderer, the Doctor's wife and Carol Masten. They were walking around Reeds Lake. Dr Shwaderer had given me a gift certificate to the Kava House and I told Pam that I still was using it. It was a great gift. I got to the Kava House by 1030 and had plenty of time to read the WSJ and DFP.

After lunch today I cleaned up my office and then loaded up the AT on the C2 and headed to Kent Trails/Millennium Park bike path. It was a beautiful fall day for a bike ride. In fact it was an absolutely perfect fall day. I finished my ride about 1645 and the sun was rapidly setting.

Nancy used a new crock pot we got Sunday at Meijer's to fix dinner last night. I read the GRP and then watched NCIS. At 2100 we all headed to bed.

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