Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday November 1, 2010

Once again I woke up at 0500. I did my morning chores and then went back to bed. The alarm went off at 0600 and I got up and headed to the MAC. This was the earliest I have been to the MAC in ages. A lot of the early risers asked where I had been. I said I was enjoying my retirement by sleeping in. This morning I increased my rowing time to 18 minutes. The row was painless. On Thursday I will increase the time to 20 minutes. The shoulder is getting better.

I got home before 1000 we piled into Missy's suv and headed to Bill's. We had the breakfast special and AJ had a modified kid's breakfast. We spent about an hour eating and talking. AJ is really good sitting in a restaurant. After breakfast Missy finished packing. After Nancy got home we said our goodbyes and Missy and AJ headed to Ohio. It was enjoyable having Missy and AJ this weekend. Ms P was sad to see them leave. She has been moping around all evening.

Yesterday I raked some leaves so I took the bags down to the curb. Nancy worked in the yard this afternoon and she filled a bag. I drove to Rylee's this afternoon to purchase a stud finder and some sheet metal screws. I reattached the gutter downspout this afternoon. I also got out my electric chain saw and cut up the wood post that supported Aunt Judy's dinner bell. I am going to buy a new post. I recently had the bell welded back together and painted. I intend to hang it in the back yard.

After my yard work I took a 3 mile walk. Not much on TV tonight so I headed upstairs at 2000 to catch up on my blogs. I want to go to bed early so that I can set the alarm and get up at 0600. It was another beautiful fall day.

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