Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday November 28, 2010

My Thanksgiving break started Wednesday and ended today, Sunday. Nancy and I had a great time with Debbie, Missy and AJ in Lakewood, Ohio. What follows is a summary of our activities.

Wednesday November 24 and we slept in until 0700. We took our time loading the Taurus and finally got Ms P in and headed to Lakewood, Ohio. Our first stop was Panera Bread. We had a coupon and purchased coffee and selected our free sweet rolls. It was a dark gloomy day which was perfect for travel. We did not stop until the first plaza on the Ohio Turnpike. I filled the car up and we purchased more coffee. It is 298 miles to Lakewood and we arrived in the early afternoon. Debbie, Missy and AJ gave us a warm greeting. For dinner Wednesday we visited one of the many taverns along Detroit Ave. I had a hamburger and beer. Everyone turned in early.

Thursday November 25, Thanksgiving Day. For breakfast Nancy and I made a run to Dunkin Donuts for donuts and coffee. I was surprised they were open. After breakfast Missy started preparing the Thanksgiving dinner. I was going to go for a walk but it was raining. In fact it rained all day. I did not get my 30 minutes in.

I did perform my manly chore of stuffing and carving the turkey. It has been several years since I performed these chores but no one complained. My dad was always proud of his ability to carve a turkey. I must admit he was good. My carving ability leaves a lot to be desired. I always blame it on dull knifes. My Dad's answer would be you should know how to sharpen all your kitchen knives. I haven't sharpened a knife in years.

We sat down for dinner about 1400. I gave a toast and told a war story. My first Thanksgiving away from home was in 1961. I was in the Navy and on my way to Midway Island. I spent Thanksgiving Day at the Pearl Harbor Navy base and had Thanksgiving dinner in the BOQ. In 2010, however, I was having dinner with family. In my mind Thanksgiving is all about family. It was a great meal with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, apple salad and vegetables. As always I ate more that I should have. Everyone took a nap after all the food. We did have some pumpkin pie later and just before turning in we all had some ice cream.

Friday November 26, Black Friday. I got up at 0700 and walked to Caribou Coffee. I had my coffee along with an apple fritter and read the DFP and WSJ. When I got home all the girls were ready to go shopping. We got in Missy's SUV and headed to Wal-mart. After Wal-mart we stopped at Stein Mart. We had turkey sandwiches for lunch and at 1345 we all got in the car and drove Debbie to the airport. On our way home from the airport we stopped at Trader's Joes so we could purchase some supplies. We got ginger snap cookies, trail mix, peppermint tea and wine. Friday evening we stopped at another tavern along Detroit and had a hamburger and beer. It was a relaxing day.

Saturday November 27 and today is a travel day. We got up at 0700 and stopped at Dunkin Donuts for donuts and coffee. Missy and AJ like peanut donuts and chocolate donuts with sprinkles. Nancy likes glazed and I like my donuts plain.

Traffic was light on our way home. We stopped at Ikea in Canton and the discount mall west of Howell. I even purchased several items at the discount mall. We got home about 1600. After unloading the car I took a 1.5 mile walk. We had pizza for dinner. After watching some TV we headed to bed about 2100.

Sunday November 28. I took Ms P out at 0518 and then went back to bed. The alarm goes off at 0646 and we get up and head to the MAC. Nancy and I swam 45 minutes. We got back on schedule this morning and it felt good. At Meijer's I filled up the Taurus. It took 17 gallons. Gas was $2.84 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After my afternoon nap I helped Nancy deliver the OHNA newsletter. I then took a 3.25 mile walk. After the walk I moved my computer, printer and other stuff around on my desk top. I move things around about every six months. Moving is always good because then I have to clean the desk top.

Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner tonight. It was very good. We had ginger snaps for dessert. I finished the GRP and watched 60 minutes. Between 2000 and 2100 I channel surfed. I even watched a portion of Sarah Palin's show on Alaska. At 2100 we headed to bed.

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