Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday February 28, 2010

1742: I set the alarm for 0646 but forgot to set the switch. We got up at 0700 so we had to hustle to get to the MAC by 0745. The pool was really crowded, two people in every lane. We swam 1500 yards. My time was 44'40". After the swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. While Nancy was shopping I filled the Taurus up and returned about 40 bottles.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We let Ms P lick the plates. I read the front section of the GRP and then took my Sunday nap. After the nap I took a 2.5 mile walk. I had to get my 30' in. For the past hour Nancy and I have been assembling our 2009 tax data. I think we got everything. Tomorrow we will deliver it to Jerry D, our tax man.

For dinner tonight Nancy is fixing baked beans and veggie burgers along with a salad. We will watch the Olympics and then head for bed. Nancy has a busy week ahead and I hope to ride my bike by the end on the week. Spring is coming. Tomorrow is the first of March.

2123: Nancy and Bob agree no more veggie burgers. Let the green folks eat these terrible excuse for food. We are trying to finish the wine left over from the party. Nancy finished a bottle of fine white wine and I finished a bottle of 2 buck Chuck. We watched 60 minutes and then the Closing Ceremonies for the Olympics. I just took Ms P out and it was 36 degrees.

I watched very little of the hockey game. I missed the overtime. Everyone is saying what a classic game it was.

My favorite Sister-in-Law sent an email that had some data on the year of one's birth. Did you know that in 1938 the unemployment rate was 19%. My father and uncle were lucky because FDR pumped a lot of money in public improvement projects and there was a need for civil engineers. I never heard a family member complain about the tough times. They took everything in stride. Both my grandparents lost over 70% of their assets. Not a sour word, ever, did I hear.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday February 27, 2010

1637: The alarm goes off at 0636. I check outside and it snowed, again, last night. I get dressed and start shoveling so Nancy can make her 0700 class at the MAC. It takes about 35 minutes to get the drive and walks clear. I then strapped on my backpack and headed to Bill's on Michigan. It takes 45 minutes to walk to Bill's. I have my usual Saturday morning breakfast, pancakes and eggs, and read the DFP.

I got home at 1000. Nancy and I loaded Ms P in the Taurus and head for the River Crossing Mall. We were at the Mall until 1200. Nancy bought several items at Yonkers. I did not purchase anything.

I had a quick lunch, read the newspaper and then headed upstairs. I took a long nap. This evening Nancy and I are going to Russ' for a quick meal. 2140: Nancy and I both had a bowl of soup and double meat hamburger. When we got home I looked in the frig and saw that we had about 5 bottles of half empty wine bottles. The wine was left over from last night's party. I had several glasses as did Nancy. We watched the movie "Prairie Home Companion" on TV and at 2000 we switched to the Olympics.

I just took Ms P out to do her bidness. It was raining. I hope it does not freeze overnight. I got my 30 in today.

Friday February 26, 2010

1709: Although I was tired I completed my morning routine by 1000. At the Kava House I read only the DFP. Today's DFP had several articles on the new mayor Dave Bing and how he is playing hardball with the unions. He is making some tough decisions.

It started to snow while I was at the Kava House but does not appear to be sticking. When I got home from the Kava House I started doing my chores. I swept the kitchen, picked up Ms P's toys and cleaned up our bedroom. The house looks all set for tonight's party.

I spent a good portion of the afternoon completing the family tree using all the data I have. I also sorted the numerous material we have collected over the years. Right now I am going to suspend writing this blog and complete my chores, including shoveling the drive and walk.

2214: It took a good 45 minutes to shovel the drive and walk. The drive was still slippery despite being just shoveled. I got out the salt bag and heavily salted the drive. It seemed to work.

The first guests arrived at 0635. We were worried because of the weather that no one would show. But slowly folks started arriving. We were only going to allow Ms P to stay up until she became a nuisance. She was the star of the party. We left her up for the entire party. Nancy made a quick count and determined that we had over 40 people. The food was great. We had everything from deviled eggs, chocolate covered oatmeal cookies, shrimp and all kinds of chips and dip. Only two people drank beer. The drink of choice was wine. The party ended about 2145. Nancy and Bob think the party was a great success.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday February 25, 2010

1646: I got up at 0615 and started my morning routine. I got done early because I did not have to shovel snow. I got to the Kava House at 1045 and left at 1145. Today the DFP continued to highlight the trials of Toyota. They, DFP, seem to be taking great pleasure writing about Toyota's troubles.

I took Ms P on a walk around the block and then we got in the C2 and headed to the beauty shop. Ms P is getting the complete makeover. She is getting her nails cut, a shampoo and fur trimmed. The gal told me it would take 2 hours. When I got back home Nancy was waiting so after a quick lunch we headed to Costco. Nancy had to buy some things for tomorrow's party.

The beauty shop called when we just walked in the door. We got in the Taurus and picked up Ms P. They did a great job for $20. I thought the price was great for 2 hours work. We stopped at D&W to buy beer and more party supplies. When we got home I got out the vacuum sweeper and started sweeping the downstairs. Yes folks I even run a vacuum sweeper. I also moved a lot of boots and coats downstairs so we have room for our guest's coats and boots. We also had to move a lot of Ms P's stuff downstairs. How can a 10# dog have so much stuff.

Tonight, being Thursday, Bob and Nancy will head for Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Have you noticed that we are getting spring catalogs. It is a good sign.

2105: The evening meal was good. Nancy had the teriyaki chicken and I had the French dip. We also got a seat by the fireplace. At home we watched the Olympics and news.

Last night I mentioned a family member being in the US Army during the Revolutionary War. This member was from my paternal side.

I found out that family members fought with Oliver Cromwell in Ireland. I think it was during the 1600's. The family members were from Wales but remained after the war in Ireland for several generations. They left Ireland because of religious reasons and settled in Canada. They were members of the Hughes family.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday February 24, 2010

1500: The alarm goes off at 0535 and Ms P and I head out so she can do her bidness. I hustle to get downtown to attend Breakfast Club. This is Black History month so today's speaker was from the Urban League. He gave a good talk on what the Urban League is doing in the GR area.

After the meeting I stopped by the Kava House. The DFP today was dedicated to the problems of Toyota and the University of Michigan. I think the football coach should be fired. When I got home I shoveled about 0.25 inches of snow from the drive and walk. At 1200 I headed to the MAC for a 1,000 yard swim. I swam the distance in 28'50". This is a good time for me. When I swim I alternate strokes. The first lap is the breast stroke and the second is the crawl, etc.

After the swim I stopped by JC Penny to look over their selection of khaki pants. I also checked Eddie Bauer. I bought nothing. Nancy is working this afternoon at Meijer's Garden. I am trying to delete some games for the computer and I still can't find Google Earth.

2125: This afternoon I put the Sanborn/Roberts family into the family data base. The Sanborn family is from Wales and the Roberts are from England. A member of the Roberts family was in George Washington's Army. His name was Daniel Hibbard Roberts. The "History of the Roberts Family" said that Daniel Roberts was 6'6" tall. The tall genes apparently died with Dan.

After all the family work, Ms P and I went outside and shoveled the walk and drive. This evening we watched the evening news and then the Olympics. About 2000 I took Ms P out and again I shoveled the walk. I did get my 30 in today.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday February 23, 2010

1409: I got up at 0615 this morning. I completed my morning routine by 1030 and got to the Kava House at 1100. When I got home I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Despite the snow she had little difficulty walking.

After a quick lunch I started working on the family tree. I have most of the data somewhere in all the boxes I got from dad. It is just a matter of taking the time to sort everything out. I will have to hurry because as soon as the snow leaves it will be difficult for me to work inside. Speaking of weather, today is a beautiful sunny day. In fact the historical daily high for this day is 35. So even if it snows it will not stay long. On March 11 the daily mean temperature is 33.

1927: I got so frustrated trying to get Google Earth to download that I took a 3 mile walk. Tonight Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing and stir fried vegetables. It was great.

Working on the family tree is very interesting. I have considerable data on my grandmother Scott's family. Her family includes the Sanborns, Roberts, Tuckers. Members of the Roberts family were in the Revolutionary and Civil wars. This branch of the family is from Wales. Surprisingly I have little data on the Scott family. This might take some work.

It is nearly 2000 so I will head downstairs to watch the Olympics. I will try to get to bed early because I have a 0700 Breakfast Club meeting.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday February 22, 2010

1539: I got up at 0630 to find that we had about 7" of wet snow. Nancy and I got dressed and started shoveling. We were done by 0800. After my morning routine and breakfast, I stepped outside and found an additional 2" of snow on the ground. So I shoveled again. Ms P played while I shoveled. She likes deep snow.

I did not get to the MAC until 1015. I left at 1140 and headed to the Kava House. Normally a snow day has me uptight because I want to get done at my regular time. Today I said why am I in a hurry, so I just took my time. I got home from the Kava House at 1300 and had a quick lunch. Then I put on my coat and started shoveling again. The plows had come through so I had to clean the drive. I also shoveled the walk. Right now I am getting ready to continue my work creating a family tree. I am also sorting and filing old photos. I am also throwing away a lot of photos. Dad always made 6 copies of the same photo.

I got a call about 1630 saying our lamp had been repaired so I got Ms P and we headed for the Lightning Center. This afternoon Nancy worked at Meijer Gardens.

2050: The family tree software seems to work fine. I have found the birthdates for all my grandparents and most of the great grandparents. I will be glad when I get all the family information into the data base.

This evening Nancy and I had cereal for dinner. After last night's heavy dinner my stomach needed a break. We watched the news and part of the Olympics before heading upstairs. All this snow shoveling is hard work.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday February 21, 2010

1540: Nancy gets up minutes before the alarm is suppose to go off. Ms P and I head outside so she could do her bidness, she did. Before going to the MAC I brought my basket of clean clothes up to be put away. Yes I empty my own basket. I am nearly house broken.

The swimming pool at the MAC was crowded. Nancy and I both had to share a lane. I did my 1,500 yards in 44'30" a good time for me. We then headed for Meijer's for our week's supplies. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We have to use our dining room table for the OHNA TGIF so we put in a new leaf.

In keeping with my weekly schedule I took a short nap this afternoon. After the nap I took Ms P around the block. I then went on a 2 mile walk so I could get my 30' in. Right now I am listening to Tennessee Ernie Ford sing hymns. My grandfather Scott said he was the world's best singer. This evening we are going over to the Moleski's for dinner. I will report on the evening later.

2218: We had a fine kielbasa dinner along with all the trimmings. The Moleskis are good hosts. Nothing like a 3000 calorie dinner. The blizzard has not arrived yet. In fact it was 38 degrees on our way home. Maybe the snow will pass us by.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday February 20, 2010

2018: I set the alarm for 0636 but Nancy gets up before it goes off. Ms P who has not had to go out after 2100 the last couple of nights informed me in no uncertain terms that it was time to go outside. She did her bidness in record time. Nancy is on her way to the MAC by 0655. I take my time but leave the house about 0730. I am walking downtown to attend the Boat Show that starts at 1000. On my walk I stop at the coffee shop located at Fulton and Arthur. Every Saturday Rick DeVries has coffee at this location. I stop and talk to Rick for a few minutes. I arrive at the Deli in the Amway about 0855. I get the world's biggest apple fritter and coffee. I get out the Kindle and read the DFP and WSJ. It looks like the ex mayor of Detroit might go back to jail. Stay tuned!

At 1000 I walk over to the Boat Show. I did not think the show was very big and was not very well attended. It might be because a fishing boat costs over $25,000. Boating is expensive. I really think the boating industry is hurting because of the loss of jobs in the auto industry. In good times UAW workers could make with over time around $80,000. The workers were good for the economy because they spent every penny.

It was chilly on my walk downtown. But when I left the show the sun was out and it was approaching 40. I had to remove my gloves and hat. We are hosting the OHNA TGIF next Friday so Nancy and I had to polish the brass table and stool. It was hard work but the table and stool really shine. I took a short nap after all this work.

This evening Nancy and I loaded Ms P in the Taurus and headed to Holland. We had dinner at the 8th Street Grill. We both had soup and a 1/2 sandwich. It was very good. The cost was reasonable because we had a senior credit card, a coupon. As soon as I post this blog I will join Nancy downstairs and watch the Olympics. I got my 30 in today did you?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday February 19, 2010

1620: TGIF. I was considering doing all my morning routine at the MAC. However, I decided against it because I cannot watch TV when I row. Today started at 0640 and I followed my normal routine. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House to read the papers and of course drink a cup of coffee. I finished the DFP and most of the WSJ. During the winter when I drive to the Kava House my stay is limited to 1 hour because that is the time limit on the parking meter. GR has a money crunch so the parking police are out in force.

When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. She appeared by her actions to be marking her territory every 1/2 block. Then I thought! females do not mark their territory, do they? After our short walk, I walked 30 minutes by myself.

A quick lunch and Ms P and I headed out for some errands. Our first stop was the car wash. The car wash was really crowded. I then stopped at the Lighting Center to get our bedroom lamp fixed. It will take a week. At Best Buy I was going to buy a printer cable for my second printer. They cost $33 so I decided to manually switch cables between machines.

I downloaded a piece of free software called My Heritage. It is suppose to make creating a family tree easy. I started putting family data in and in a couple of days I will be able to determine if it is of any value.

I have lost my "google earth" and cannot find it. I tried starting over my downloading the program again and I still cannot find it. Is it buried in google chrome? I think google is getting to big for its own good. They will become a target like microsoft.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. First we will stop at the LMCU so Nancy can cash a check.

2140: Nancy and I both had the prime rib sandwich at GLS tonight. We got home in time for the news and then watched the Olympics.

The past two days have been beautiful. Clear blue skies and temperatures in the high 30s. However, we are expecting a big snow in next week. Tonight Nancy talked to my sister and found out that the surgery went fine. Helen is in her recovery mood. We wish her well.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday February 18, 2010

1722: Once again I got up at 0700. After the morning routine I headed to the MAC. The MAC was very crowded for a Thursday. Kim comes to clean today so I have to make myself scarce until after 1300. My first stop after the MAC was Best Buy. I need a new printer so was going to look around. They had a special on a HP that was too good to pass up. It was less than $60. I purchased my first printer for use with a computer over 20 years ago. The Radio Shack daisy wheel printer cost $2100. My next stop was the Apple Store. I wanted to see if they had some classes for Nancy. I think I purchased a training plan when I bought the computer. I will check with Debbie. I also looked at an i-touch. The i-touch does not have a camera.

I also stopped at Sears to see if they had any long underwear shirts, wool/cotton mix. They did not. In fact I was disappointed with Sears selection of men's work clothes. I headed to the Kava House. Since I had time to kill, I read both the DFP and WSJ. The corruption trial for Detroit official resulted in a mistrial. One juror had her mind made up before deliberations began. The case will be retried. I did read in the WSJ that one of the companies I just purchased stock in had received a large contract for building a small nuclear reactor. I hope this works out.

After a quick lunch I took Ms P on a walk around the block. After our walk I continued walking another 1.5 miles. I got my 30 in.

I set up my new printer and practiced scanning some pictures. I have about 200 pictures to scan. I will bore every family member. We really have some great old photos. I like the ones of my grandfather's logging camp in MN. These pictures were taken between 1900 and 1917.

This evening Nancy and I are going to the Public Museum to see a display on Bugs. We purchased an annual membership and the Bug show is one of the events included. Dinner is included.

2112: The Bug show at the museum was interesting. They had a good but not spectacular turn out. Nancy and I, in addition to the Bug display, visited several permanent exhibits. We both commented our grandkids would have loved the bug exhibit. After the museum we watched some more Olympics and now at 2115 I am heading to bed.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday February 17, 2010

1640: I am getting predictable, I woke up a6 0700. Today is my easy day so I got dressed and walked to the Omelet Shop in Breton Village. I had a bowl of oatmeal. After breakfast I walked to the Kava House and read the DFP and WSJ. I walked home. The sidewalks were surprisingly clear this morning.

At 1200 I got in the C2 and headed to the MAC for a 1,000 yard swim. It took 30'14". My current project is the family tree and sorting all the photos and family memorabilia. With this in mind I headed to Office Depot to get some plastic containers to hold all the photos. I tried scanning several photos last night and the results were quite good. I want to thank Missy for telling me that I should save the photos in jpeg format.

I took Ms P on a walk around the block. This is the first time we have been able to accomplish this in about a month. I got to the office with good intentions. However, I have found the games I thought I had hidden and wasted an hour playing these stupid games. Help! does anyone know how to delete games from my computer. I am using microsoft Vista.

2100: Nancy fixed a great salad for dinner. We also had melon and bread. When I was a boy fresh fruits and vegetables in the winter was unheard of. After dinner we watched the Olympics. One month from today is the birthday of Great Grandfather Sanborn. Two months from today is the birthday of Alessandra and also her Great Grandfather Scott.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday February 16, 2010

1645: Once again I slept in until 0700. It snowed last night so Nancy and I had to shovel about 1" of snow. I completed my at-home routine and headed to the MAC. Today the place was empty. After the MAC I headed to Costco to get my nose spray prescription filled. I ended up at the Kava House about noon. I spent about 30 minutes at the Kava House because I had a 1245 eye doctor appointment. I got a clean bill of health. I will start wearing my contact tomorrow.

Ms P and I took another long walk. She made it ok. After lunch I headed out to Costco. Ms P did not want to come. At Costco I picked up some photos from our CA and OH visits. I also picked up my nose spray. Costco was empty. They had one register open and that was not busy. I also stopped at Batteries Plus to pick up a new cell battery.

I had to mail a letter so I walked to the post office. I was surprised at the number of people waiting in line at the post office. I thought we were a paperless society.

My office is filled with boxes of family material. We have a lot of photos that I will try to get on disc. I especially like a 1920 picture of dad and his siblings. They are standing in the front yard of the Scott farm and it looks like they had just finished working in the fields. I am going to enjoy going through all this material.

Tonight Nancy has to attend a OHNA meeting. I will watch the Olympics and maybe NCIS. Nancy is preparing chicken breasts for dinner.

2146: Nancy went to her meeting and I watched the Olympics and played with the scanning function on Nancy's HP Printer. I got the 1920 picture to scan quite well. I now have to figure out how to edit and what format to save it in. Tif, jpeg or pdf? I wish our printer came with a manual instead of online help. I hope to figure it out tomorrow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday February 15, 2010

2020: Ms P got me up at 0500. I was going to just sleep another 15 minutes but I finally got up at 0700. I performed my normal routine at 50% with no problems. I drove to the MAC and was surprised that I got the last parking space. It appears that a lot of folks had President's Day off. The MAC was busy.

I used my Kava House Gift Certificate to purchase coffee this morning. I thought I would read both the DFP and WSJ today. However, the WSJ was not published today. No stock market no WSJ? When I got home I took Ms P on a short walk. We are working on walking around the block. I hope we can have this done in about a week.

Our health insurance said we must use Catalyst Rx for our drugs. I thought this was a mail order pharmacy. Instead it is a clearing house. We cannot use Rite Aid (ok) but we can use Costco. I was glad to hear that I do not have to use a mail order house. Costco provides great service.

My Sister called and we cleared up a tax matter dealing with Cousin Peg's estate. I also downloaded a 1099 form from Wells Fargo. I am going to start using an electric mattress pad instead of an electric blanket. We have one so I got it placed on our bed.

My big project this afternoon was to bring all the family files upstairs to my office from the basement. I have a lot of family photos that my dad took. I will try scanning them in to a pdf file. I bet I have over 1000 photos. Everything from my Grandfather's lumber camp in MN to my grandmothers high school graduation picture, AHS 00. I was so happy with what I accomplished this afternoon that I capped it off with a 3 mile walk.

I forgot to mention that during our visit to OH we saw a large flock of Robins, 20+. Were they lost? Or is it global warming? Anyway it was very cold and OH had just received over 10" of snow. I have never seen Robins this early.

2145: I spent the last hour watching the games. I really like the snowboarding race.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday February 14, 2010

1835: Happy Valentine's Day! You know you're getting old when you and your spouse exchange practical gifts. Nancy got a massage and I got a gift certificate to the Kava House. I can remember exchanging Valentines in grade school. You bought a valentine for every member in your class. I think each valentine cost about $0.02 and you bought them at the dime store. I can remember Valentine's Day, 1964. There were 5 young single LTJGs in my outfit in Vietnam. We each got only one valentine and that was from Mom. Keep up the good work Moms everywhere.

This morning Nancy and I got up at 0656 and got ready for our swim at the MAC. Since we are recovering from our episode with the flu we only swam 1,000 yards. We also got our weekly supplies at Meijers. Nancy did fix her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I also took my afternoon nap. For the first time in 3 days I got my 30 in. I walked 30 minutes around the neighborhood.

Nancy talked to all the kids today. It makes her day when she has contact with her children. I downloaded photos from our recent trips to CA and OH. We started playing with Apple's photo software. It is amazing what you can do with this program. We will have to invest some time in learning how to fully use the program.

We continue to watch the Olympics. This afternoon we watched USA women play hockey. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwiches. I want to finish this blog before 60 minutes. Remember only 35 days to spring.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday February 13, 2010

1545: The alarm goes off at 0505, I wanted it to go off at 0636. I reset the alarm and blame my error on my weakened condition caused by the flu. It couldn't be old age. When the alarm goes off at the correct time Nancy and I are getting ready for our Saturday. Nancy is heading to the MAC for her body pump class and I get ready to take the C2 in. I stop at the bagel shop and get two bagels. It takes about 45 minutes to get my car work done. I had enough time to read the DFP and WSJ.

My next stop was the battery shop. I had them check my new cell phone battery. They said it was defective and ordered a new one. I headed home and picked up Ms P. We headed for the Outpost in Holland. The Outpost is one of my favorite outdoor stores, but I was disappointed that they no longer sell kayaks. They are big in stand-up paddle boards. They did not have any car top carriers for my C2. I will continue to search the internet for a roof top rack.

On my way home I used my OnStar phone to call Missy and Debbie. Missy was at a library with Akerke and Debbie was home getting ready for work. It is always great to talk to the girls on Saturday morning.

I had a quick lunch and then cleaned up my desk. I have collected most of our 09 tax data and right now I am working on our end of year statement.

Nancy and I are still not full speed so we decided to stay home and have some more of her magic potion, chicken noodle soup. We will also watch the Olympics.

Immediately after dinner I came back upstairs and finished our financial statement for 2009. 09 was much better than 08.

2207: We are now upstairs after watching the Olympics in HD downstairs. The HD pictures of Vancouver are great. Veronica, Steve and Lucas visited the city in 08 and really enjoyed their stay. They gave me Whistler T shirt. I did enjoy watching the biathlon this afternoon. People who can hit a target after skiing at top speed are very talented.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday February 12, 2010

1700: At 0400 I took Ms P out to do her bidness. Having spent the last 24 hours in bed I was wide awake, so I made the morning coffee and filled Ms P's food and water bowls.

Nancy was up at 0600 and was surprised to find that I had made the coffee. She is back to normal and attended all her usual Friday classes at the MAC. I got up and had a piece of bread for breakfast. I had planned on walking over to the Kava House but after walking upstairs several times I decided to forego any exercise today. I got in the C2 and headed to Berger Chevy to make an appointment for tomorrow to get my car serviced and new mud flaps put on. Mud flaps on a Cobalt? It just shows I am not that far out of the cedar swamps.

I drive to the coffee shop on Michigan and College and have a small coffee and bagel. They have the best bagels in GR. When I got home Nancy was ready to go to Costco so I accompanied her. The first time I did not try a free sample at Costco.

I called Carol Smith at LSE and told her to shut down my SCECO email. I usually get about 50 emails every day but it is all spam. I am surprised that my new email gets very little spam. It might be because I never order anything on line. It is nice to see that LSE has been busy.

I also talked to Jennifer Dougherty. She wanted my opinion on using part-width construction on the proposed bridge in Ada over the Grand River. I told her "bite the bullet and close the bridge". This is the best course of action for everyone. It is also nice to see that Cogent Engineering is busy. Jennifer also is getting ready to make an announcement. I am happy for her.

Tonight Nancy and I are staying home. I am having a bowl of soup. We will watch the opening for the Winter Games.

2134: Nancy fixed me a bowl of chicken noodle soup. The perfect cure for the winter flu. We are watching the opening ceremonies for the winter games. I like some of the shots of Canada. It is a beautiful country.

Thursday February 11, 2010

This will be the shortest blog ever. 0200 my body tells me that I have the same upset that Nancy had. During the day I made 1 phone call and watched the 6 PM news downstairs. The rest of the day I remained in bed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday February 10, 2010

1716: The alarm goes off at 0515. I get up and start getting dressed. It snowed last night and when I took Ms P out at 0200 the snow depth was 3". I have a 0700 Breakfast Club meeting. When I got shovel in hand I noted that the snow depth was about 6". It took a hour to get the snow cleared from the drive. The radio said that over 200 schools in the area were closed. They read the list. Why didn't they just read the 1 or 2 schools that were open? Even EGR was closed.

I thought they would have a small crowd at Breakfast Club. They had about 75% turn out. Today's speaker talked about health care costs. It was the very best explanation about health care costs that I have heard. The one thing I took away from the meeting was that doing nothing was not an acceptable option.

After the meeting I stopped at the Kava House and read the DFP. I did not read the WSJ because I still had to shovel the walk. I got home and the walk was clean. Our neighbor used his snow blower and cleaned all the walks in the block. The neighbor is a doctor and lives in the Hess/Stevens old house. Speaking of Stevens today Jack Lensink called and told us that Bev Stevens had passed away. She was 62.

At noon I headed to the MAC for a 1,000 yard swim. I did the swim in 29'34" which is a good time for me. I then headed for the GR City Hall. I had a 1400 GRBA meeting. It was a short meeting.

I did clean up the driveway after the plows went through. I was tired from my early morning so I took a short nap. In fact Nancy woke me at 1700. Nancy is feeling better and will be going to "Book Club" tonight. I am heading out to Fred's for pizza and beer.

Beer and pizza were great at Fred's. Tom M told me about their trip to New Zeeland and Australia. Nancy got home around 2000. I did get my 30 in today.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday February 9, 2010

1555: Nancy spent a bad night. She has come down with stomach flu. I woke up at 0630 and asked Nancy if she wanted a coffee. She said no. All she wanted to do is sleep.

It snowed last night so I had to shovel the drive before going to the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House for my coffee and newspaper. Today I read the DFP and part of the WSJ. I got home a little after 1200 and had a quick lunch.

Today I had a 1310 eye doctor appointment The doctor said that my left eye has several small ulcers. I was given two different eye drops that I am taking 4 times a day. I have to go back in a week. When I got home Nancy was up. I told her to go back to bed but she said Ms P would not let her sleep. I took Ms P on several errands. It is now 1600 and Nancy has been sleeping for 90 minutes.

Ms P and I are going out to shovel the drive and walk. i don't think the storm is going to be as bad as most forecasters predicted. I am writing this blog early because I have to get to bed early, I have to get up at 0500 so I can shovel and get to breakfast club at 0700. I also have a GRBA meeting at 1400 and tomorrow night Tom M and I are going out for beer and pizza. It is book club night.

This evening I will watch NCIS before going to bed. Last night instead of watching 24 I read my book. 24 is getting very old.

As it continues to snow outside I recollect that one the worst February snows I remember was in 1979. Our entire family went to the Shrine Circus with the Gray's in a blizzard. The next morning everything was shut down. I closed the office. It was the only time I ever closed the office.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday February 8, 2010

1750: Another Monday and we all slept in today. Nancy could sleep in because she is not going to the MAC. Nancy has a 0900 Gift Shop Board Meeting. I follow my normal Monday routine except that I had to perform several household errands before going to the MAC. A household errand means I filled the bird feeder, emptied my clothes basket and emptied Ms P's poop bag into the garbage. After the MAC I purchased some light bulbs and stopped at Verizon to get a battery for my cell. Verizon did not have any but recommended Batteries Plus.

I got a call from the eye doctor's office telling me that the clip-on sunglasses for my regular glasses were in. I hustled downtown and got the clip-ons. I really needed these glasses because my left eye is very sensitive to bright lights. In fact I called the eye doctor, MD type, and got an appointment for tomorrow.

After a quick lunch I headed up stairs. I was going to do some work on our year-end statement. However, Nancy brought Ms P upstairs because workers were downstairs Scotch Guarding our chairs in the back room. Ms P did not want to stay in the office. I called Batteries Plus and asked if they had a cell battery. They did, so I loaded Ms P into the C2 and headed to the store. We did make a quick stop at the car wash. When I got home I decided to take a three mile walk.

I have moved the kitchen TV into the front room because we cannot use the chairs in the back room for 24 hours. Ms P is very confused.

Tonight I will watch 24 at nine. I might have to shovel snow tomorrow morning. We have a big snow heading our way.

2000: Nancy was feeling a little under the weather so we came up at 2000. I will finish this blog and then head for bed. I think I will read instead of watching 24. I did get my 30 in today.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday February 7, 2010

1750: We get up at 0700 and slowly get ready for our trip to Troy. We say our goodbyes and head west. Our first stop is a Toll Plaza. Unlike yesterday this Plaza has been plowed out. We get coffee and donuts for our trip. The trip on the Toll Road was fairly easy. We did hit some spots where drifting snow made it necessary to slow down. When we got on I 75 going north the roads were clear. In fact in MI there was little snow and the pavement was dry. The storm bypassed MI. The show Nancy was attending was held at the Met Hotel in Troy. It is just off I 75 at Crooks Road. Nancy spent about two hours at the show and she said she made a lot of purchases.

The drive home from Troy was smooth. When we got to GR I pulled into a car wash to get all the salt off the car. In fact our black car looked white. We got home unpacked and then started putting the furniture back in the back room. We also threw out a lot of magazines and catalogs that we no longer needed. Our backroom looks very neat and clean.

I will watch the Super Bowl and then head to bed. Next week will be the first time in a long time that we have no travel plans. In fact we will stay home for at least two months. It is now six and we still have daylight.

2130: For dinner tonight Nancy fixed squash soup, hot dogs and a veggie burger. For the first time this year I watched a complete, almost complete I came up after the interception, football game. I kind of wanted the Colts to win. But I would also like to see the Lions in the Super Bowl.

Saturday February 6, 2010

Sunday 1715: We got home from Cleveland about 1 hour ago. I am 24 hours late with Saturday's blog. At 0545 Saturday our alarm goes off and we all get up and get ready for our big trip to Lakewood. We actually don't leave until 0700. Our first stop is Duncan Donuts. We get donuts and coffee.

The trip through Michigan is smooth. But when we hit the Ohio Turnpike near Toledo we note a lot of snow. It looked like the snow had just stopped. The plows were all out in force and in some areas only 2 of 3 lanes were plowed. Truck traffic was very heavy and we assumed that a lot of truckers had stopped to let the snow subside and then continue their trip. We noted three semi trucks and trailers in the ditch. All trucks were travelling West. We stopped at a Toll Road Plaza and the snow was about eight inches deep. The plows had not yet had a chance to plow the plazas. We were lucky we had AWD.

We got to Missy's about around 1300. The first thing I had to do was shovel her drive and walk. Akerke's birthday party starts at 1600. Missy had the place all cleaned up.

Nancy and I drove to a grocery store to purchase some cheese. Later, Missy had to get the cake at Costco's so I drove her. Despite the weather Costco's was crowded.

The first quests started arriving at 1600. Akerke was dressed in a very pretty dress. Nancy called it a Princess Dress. Akerke was a perfect host. She shared with everyone. The Scott Team from CA sent a fruit tree and we all had some fruit. It was an interesting mix of folks at the party. Missy had invited neighbors and several friends who had adopted children from other countries. It was a United Nations . There were children from Vietnam, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan and of course Kazakhstan. The two O'Brien boy's father was born and raised in Ireland. The O'Brien's are neighbors of Missy.

Chips, candy, fruit drinks and sandwiches were provided. There was also beer and wine for the adults. Missy put a candle on Akerke's cake and we all sang "Happy Birthday". The cake was great especially the frosting. It was a successful birthday.

After the party Grandpa fell asleep on the floor and while I was sleeping Debbie skyped Akerke. Birthdays are rough on senior citizens.

Later I drove Missy to a store so she could return a carpet cleaner she had rented. Bob and Nancy headed to bed early.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday February 5, 2010

1715: I went to bed last night at 2100 and still got up at 0700. Ms P slept through the night but she was quite sluggish this morning when I first took her out. In other words she did not do her bidness. After I performed my at home exercises and had breakfast, I again took Ms P out and she performed splendidly. She has perked up.

The MAC was crowded this morning. I hope it is a sign that the economy is improving. After the MAC I stopped at the post office to mail some Valentine gifts Nancy had purchased. I talked to our old neighbor Jack Lensink at the Kava House and invited him to the OHNA TGIF to be held Feb 26 at our house. The DFP continues to report on Toyota's problems. However, I understand that Ford has the same problem as Toyota with their hybrid. The DFP also continues to expose Rep Conyer's wife for taking bribes.

When I got home Ms P ran to welcome me. She is recovering fast. This afternoon the carpet cleaners came to clean the backroom carpet. They did a great job. I spent a good portion of the afternoon loading CDs onto my hard drive. I now have about 40 CDs in my Windows Media Center. I hope everything will transfer when I upgrade to Windows 7.
I was reading the Daily Beast when a mention was made of an organization that is against any immigration reform. They are against all immigration. The organization is called "NumbersUSA". The director and founder is Roy Beck. I know Roy Beck . He was a reporter for the GRP during the late 60s and early 70s. His resume states that he was one of the first environmental reporters in the USA. He wrote many articles about the dumb engineer trying to establish a county wide solid waste disposal system. Of course the engineer was R H Scott. I cannot say anything nice about Mr. Beck.

In order to get my 30 in today I was going to take a short walk but Nancy talked me into walking over to Gaslight Village to make a bank deposit for the GRNA. Missy called and said it was snowing in Cleveland. I told her we would check in the morning and if the weather is bad we will abort our mission to Cleveland.

This evening Nancy and I are going to the Brandywine for dinner. 2000: The Brandywine was very crowded. Nancy had the "ham-d-scram" and I had American fries and scrambled eggs. We read the paper and watched the TV news. It is now 2000 and we are headed for bed. The alarm is set for 0545 so that we can leave for Cleveland by 0630.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday February 4, 2010

1600: Another day that I slept in until after 0700. I cannot blame this on jet lag but I must blame it on my playing computer games until 2300 last night. Speaking of last night, Ms P continues to struggle. Nancy had to carry her upstairs and not once during the night did she want to go outside to do her bidness. I think the reason is not improved bladder control but the fact that it hurts too much to move. We hope the Vet will determine the problem at our 1700 appointment today.

I had a busy morning so I made an effort to get my exercises does in an orderly fashion. In other words no talking with the other old guys at the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Teacher's CU to get some money for our household account. I also got Nancy a roll of quarters. I then deposited the money in our 53rd joint account. This is the account for household expenses.

Last night Nancy and I paid a lot of bills. I mailed several letters on my way to the MAC but we had about six letters that needed stamps. I stopped at the post office and got 60 stamps. Since the Kava House was nearby I walked over and had my coffee. I also read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP is having fun picking on Toyota.

I took Ms P out when I got home. She did her bidness but could not get up the stairs into the house. I carried her inside. During my lunch she started shaking so I took her upstairs with me. She is now sleeping on a blanket in my office. Nancy is working at the hospital this afternoon and as soon as she gets home we are heading to the Vet.

2045: The Vet was very nice and thought that Ms P probably put too much pressure on her joints during all her activity last week. Her body has crashed and the Vet gave Ms P an anti inflammatory prescription. I hope the Vet is right. After the Vet visit, Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner.

Tomorrow the rug cleaners are coming to clean the carpet in the back room. Nancy and I moved most of the furniture out of the room. I was just proofing this blog when my Sister called from Tucson. She is buying Nancy some jewelry at the annual show in Tucson.

I tried to delete some games from my computer but could not determine how to do it. I did hide the games so it will take a while for me to find them.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday February 3, 2010

1550: We must still be fighting jet lag because Nancy and Bob slept in until 0710. Nancy had to hustle to get ready for the MAC. We had a light snow last night so I cleared the drive and walks. After my shoveling I walked to Bill's on Michigan. The footing was kind of difficult because the roads I walk on have not been plowed. At Bill's I read the DFP. This morning's paper was loaded with stories about all the Detroit officials that have confessed to crimes during the past administration. Most of the crimes were bribery. I hope the new administration operates according to the rules. The City of Detroit needs a break.

I got home at 1130 and had to hurry to get to the MAC for the noon hour swim. I swam 1000 yards . After the MAC I stopped by Berger Chevy to change the date for my first checkup on the C2. I also asked about a roof rack. No luck, Chevy does not make one for a Cobalt. My next stop was an Outdoor store and they had a portable roof rack. I did not buy it because I still have some time before the ice leaves the streams.

Nancy is working at Meijer's Garden this afternoon. She is also going grocery shopping to refill our fridge.
Today Ms P seems very lethargic. I don't think she likes all the changes in her routine. Nancy and I will take her to Lakewood, OH on Saturday. I hope she travels well.

2100: Nancy got home at 1730. For dinner she fixed Butternut Squash soup from Trader Joe's. It was great. I also had a turkey sandwich. I read the paper and watched the news and then headed upstairs. I paid some bills and completely cleared my "IN" basket. It feels good. Did you know that we now have 60 more minutes of daylight since the winter solstice. Also the median temperatures for GR are now increasing. Spring is not that far away.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010: Monday morning in the Scott household in LB, CA. The parents have to hustle to get the kids and themselves ready for the new week. Bob and Nancy watch the organized frenzy. Everyone is gone by 0715 except for Alessandra because grandpa is walking her over to Jenna's. Alessandra and I leave at 0740 and it looks to be another nice day.

When I get back, Nancy and I finish packing and loading up the rental. We leave at 0930 for LAX with a brief stop at Walgreen's so Nancy can buy some mints. The trip to LAX was uneventful except for normal traffic backups. We dropped the car off at Hertz and took the shuttle to the Terminal. Getting through Security was slow but we did get to the Gate 75 in time. The trip to Chicago was fast. We made it in less than 4 hours. After a two hour wait in Chicago we took off for GR. At GR we picked up the bags and took a taxi home. We got home at 2355.

Tuesday February 2, 2010: I set the alarm for 0626. It goes off and Nancy gets up but I sleep to 0710. It snowed last night so I had to shovel the walk. The snow was light so it took less than 20 minutes. Nancy heads to the MAC and I perform my normal Tuesday routine but at 50%. After a quick breakfast, yogurt and fiber one, I start up the C2 and head to the MAC. I did my MAC routine at 50%.

I called my eye doctor and told him of my recent problems. He saw me at 1145. I have a serious dry eye problem and the Doc gave me some drops. My next stop was the Kava House. I read the DFP and then headed home. As I was getting out of the car Kim drove up with Ms P. It appears that Ms P has some issues with dog sitters. If she did not get her way she got moody. I had a quick lunch and was heading out to run some errands when Nancy walked in. I left Ms P at home and headed to Bill and Paul's. I was going to buy a new super kayak carrier for the top of my C2. I was told that the new carrier would not fit on the C2. I must now develop Plan B. Does anyone have any ideas?

I also stopped at the bank and D&W to buy some milk, beer and bread. I bought a Power Ball ticket. After I got home I shoveled the walk (again) and took a short walk. I did check my email. On my SCECO email I had 520 emails. I had about 15 on my gmail account.

Nancy had to work at Meijer's Garden this evening so Ms P and I had dinner without her. After dinner I sat down to watch the National news and fell asleep for about 45 minutes. Nancy got home at 1955 in time for NCIS. I got my 30 in today, did you?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday January 31, 2010

2049: Sunday in LB. It looks like another nice day. After I perform my morning routine, brush teeth, etc, I head for Starbucks. I get my coffee and start reading the LAT. Steve stops by and gets a cup and we talk. Steve has to stop at the dry cleaners but I talk him into taking his mother a cup of coffee. I walk home.

Alessandra is up but appears to be getting tired. Grandpa said he would take her for a walk. Walking is one of the things that I enjoy. Alessandra and I walk for about 1h10’. She falls asleep about 2 minutes into the walk and sleeps the rest of the walk.

When we get home the Redwings game is on TV. I watch the last period and the OT. The Redwings lost.

Steve, Veronica, Lucas and Alessandra head for a park. Nancy and I head for Huntington Beach. We spend over a hour walking on the pedestrian walk along the beach. We also walk the HB Pier. It is such a beautiful day that the walk is crowded with bikers, runners, walkers and folks on roller blades. We stop by a Dairy Queen on our way home and get a cone.

After all the walking I need a short nap. After the nap it is almost time for dinner. I watch part of the AFL/NFL game. The game is phony and should be eliminated. For dinner tonight I had several tamales. Veronica got the tamales at Costco. We will have to see if they have them in GR.

Nancy and Lucas play the snake game and then it is time for bed. We have spent eleven days in CA and it has been a nice break. Tomorrow morning we have to pack and then head for LAX. I do not look forward to the long plane ride.