Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday December 3, 2008

While drinking coffee this AM I get a call from Nancy telling me that we have to take LA to see Dr Kim. LA appears to have the flu. Dr Kim confirmed that LA did have the flu. Nancy also has the same bug.

After the Dr visit we took in a movie. The movie was Madagascar 2. LA enjoyed the movie. I gave it a 3.5. LA fell asleep on the way home. Nancy put him down and he slept for 3 hours.

A cheap plastic mud flap on the rental car came loose. I tied it up with a steel hangar. After my repair job I took a 2.5 hour hike.

This evening Vera, Nancy and I took LA to his gymnastics class. LA likes this class.

SPS has also been under the weather. Nancy and SPS are now in bed (8:48 PM). Tomorrow we may go to the beach. I want to rent a bike with kid carrier so I can take LA for a ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a bike ride for two on the beach sounds like fun! Maybe the sun can 'burn' off the flu. But it sounds like LA is doing better if he went to gym class.