Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday December 15, 2008

Yesterday when I went to bed is was in the 40s. Overnight the temperature dropped over 20 degrees in a very short time. The wind was howling all night. When I got up this morning the temperature was in the teens with very high winds. The roads were glare ice. I grabbed a bag of salt and spread it over our drive so we could get down our hill. A few degrees colder and the salt would not have worked. Because of all the ice and snow I again had to drive to the MAC. The parking lot was full.

After the MAC I ran some Christmas related errands. I had to wait 40 minutes at the post office in order to mail some packages. I also stopped by the office to give some money to the ,adopt a family for Christmas, program. The roads were in tough shape with near white out conditions.

This afternoon I did some work on the computer. I say it was work but it really was just messing around. I checked on Bernie Madoff and his money fraud. I find this scam very interesting. It is amazing all the smart people that did not know what was going on. Where is Madoff? Is he in jail? Did he spend the money on cars, boats, condos, girls? A lot remains to be determined.

My eye doctor let me try a new super-duper contact. It is comfortable but not as powerful as I would like. This afternoon I picked up a contact that was made to my prescription. I put it in and alas I can see clearly now.

I have been harping on getting 30 minutes outdoors every day. So around 5, I went outside and shovelled the walk and then went on a short 1.25 mile walk. I did get my 30 minutes.

Tonight is a poor TV night so I am going to bed to continue reading a good book. It is called "Paris, 1919" and is about the peace conference after WWI. With the bad economic times I see a lot of references in the papers to the Joad family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand that the only reason Madoff was caught was because his sons contacted the Feds.

Don't you worry though. I would never throw you under the bus. I'd just ask for half of the loot and take off to a nice non-extradiction beach country and live out my life. ;-)