Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday December 27, 2008

I started the day with a 3 mile run at the MAC. It started to rain last night and the rain continued all day. The rain on the snow has created a very foggy condition.

Tasha and I head for cousin Peg's in Rosebush at 0930. Even though it is 20 miles further we are taking the freeway to Rosebush. The fog was bad from GR to Lansing and from Alma to Rosebush. The Lansing to Alma portion of the trip was ok. Tasha and I did not talk for the first 60 miles because we were concentrating on the road. After the fog lifted we relaxed and even talked. Our conversation centered on the stupidity of driver. Visibility was less than a 50 feet and yet cars passed us going 70 mph. Many cars did not have their lights on. Despite the bad conditions we did not see any accidents until we got off the freeway at Rosebush. There was a bad accident on the off ramp.

Cousin Peg was glad to see Tasha. Tasha and Peg got caught up and then we headed for lunch at the Diner. The Diner is located on Mission Road about 4 miles from Pegs. Peg and I had breakfast and Tasha had a burger.

The fog was bad from Rosebush to Alma but the rest of the trip home was clear. Almost all the snow is gone. We had ham sandwiches for dinner. The evening was spent reading and watching TV. I did get my 30 minutes with two 1 mile walks.

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