Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday December 19, 2008

I looked out the window at 0230 and saw bare pavement. I looked out at 0600 and saw snow. Nancy and I started shovelling at 0700. We had 6" of snow. It took us 45 minutes. We drove the Aztek to the MAC because it has 4 wheel drive. No plows were out on the local streets.

I finished my workout before Nancy and stayed at the MAC because I found a copy of the Free Press. At 1115 we headed home. I parked in the street because since 0700 we got an additional 6" of snow. This time I shoveled the entire driveway while Nancy made Christmas cookies.

I worked on my computer for several hours and at 4:30 the snow plows finally came down our street. In our 35 years this is the latest we have had our street plowed. I shovelled the snow piled up by the plows. Nancy completed the Christmas cards so I walked to the post office to mail them. It was after 5 when I got to the post office and the line was out the door. They must stay open later during the holiday season.

Nancy made me beans and rice for dinner. It was great. I also opened a bottle of 2 buck chuck. Wine goes straight to my head. No snow tonight but we can expect some later on Saturday. It is not even winter yet.

1 comment:

HSC said...

We're waiting for the pictures of the lights and snow...Brrr !! HSC