Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tuesday December 17, 2008

We got a light dusting of snow overnight. I had an easy shovel.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days I do my dead lifts. I am back to my normal routine by doing 3 sets of five using a 100 pound barbell. The rest of my routine is at 75%. I will be back to 100% on Monday. After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. It takes 20 minutes to get to the KH. The walk gives me my 30 minutes.

In the afternoon I drove to Best Buy, Circuit City and Costco to price small TVs. I took notes at each store and found that Costco was $100 cheaper. I bought a 23" set for Nancy.

Nancy and Mary Namey had to work at Meijers Garden from 5-9. Ed and I went out for a hamburger and beer. Prior to going out I set up the new TV. It works great and I did not screw up.

The weather has been very cold. I am having a hard time keeping my feet warm. Last night I went to bed with very cold feet. I think it is a family thing. My Grandfather Hughes use to keep a light bulb under the covers to warm his feet. This action started the house on fire. I hope my electric blanket works better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my feet never seem to get warm either and i can't stand the feel of wearing socks while in bed.

i usally put a heating pad by my feet but now i have found a much better solution. i sit in front of a space heater (the one from costco is fantastic!) before going to bed and warm my feet.