Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saturday December 13, 2008

It was 17 when we got up this morning. The snow, ice and cold kept me from riding my bike or kayaking. I walked around Reeds Lake. It is about 6.5 miles. I was surprised that despite the cold a lot of runners were out. I bought a NY Times and had coffee at the Kava House.

It looks like GWB is going to bail out the auto companies. This is good.

The story on the collapse of the Madoff fund was very interesting. Even rich people get robbed.

I liked typing on SPS's under desk keyboard so much that I bought one. This afternoon I installed it and rearranged my office. Change is good.

This evening Nancy and I went out to dinner with the Moleski's. A good time was had by all. Good food and conversation is always fun.

Gas has gone up $0.20 in the past 2 days. I predict that it will reach $2 by the end of the year. I still have some Christmas shopping to do. I think I will wait until next week. Speaking of Christmas I talked to Tasha today and she said weather permitting she and petunia will be in GR for Christmas. Nancy and I look forward to seeing her. I got my 30 minutes in did you?

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