Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 08. Our crack snow shovelling team starts at 0630. The temperature is at the freezing mark so the snow is heavy. We got about 3" over night. We finish a little after 7 and head to the MAC so I can get in the pool before the seniors' water aerobics class. I swam 1100 yards.

I forgot to put my eye in so I head home and pop in the contact. I hurry back to the MAC to pick up Nancy. We have breakfast at the Omelet Shop. Tasha call and tell us her sump pump is not working right. I recommend that she call a plumber. I also head to Home Depot to see what a sump pump costs and how to install one. They are inexpensive and quite simple in their operation. I call Tasha and she says the problem is solved and she is on her way to GR.

At home I dug out some old family material that HC had and was surprised to find a family tree for the Hughes. Did you know the Hughes were from Inch, Ireland? Grandfather Hughes was born in Treadwell, Ont. His father was married to a Darlington as was our great-great-great grandfather. Intermarriage?

I also found material on the Sanborns. My paternal grandmother was a Sanborn. I have some good news for Sasha, I have found a family member who was in the Continental Army.

Tasha got to GR about 6:30. She brought petunia. We had a great dinner of lasinga (sp?). We watched some TV and then headed for bed so we will be bright eyed for Christmas. We could not get the close-caption to work on our HD TV. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From tasha's blackberry