Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday December 2, 2008

Our first full day in LB. The day started overcast (foggy) and cool. It remained that way all day. The temperature did not reach 70.

I walked to the Starbucks on Willow. Every Starbucks has its own identity. The Willow store is a working mans coffee shop. Not too many newspaper readers. I bought a LA Times. I like this newspaper.

After Starbucks Nancy, LA, and I head for story hour at the LB library. LA was a little hyper. This was according to Nancy. I read a children's book on Michigan. It was quite good.

After story hour we went to a park in Signal Hill. A small town loaded with oil wells. The park is on top of Signal Hill and it has a great view of the LA area. Of course our view was not good because of the fog. We had lunch at Costco.

After lunch, LA and I took a nap. I did make a trip to Walgreen's to get some tooth paste and shaving cream.

SPS came home from work not feeling well. He went right to bed. Nancy cancelled her pork chop with stuffing dinner and we had her world famous poached eggs. It is 8 PM and I must watch NCIS. Remember 30 minutes outside each day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enough with the Costco!!! You're in SoCal.. so go enjoy some good, cheap, and AUTHENTIC Mexican food!