Friday, December 12, 2008

Wednesday December 10, 2008

Ah! Wednesday my easy day. The footing is so bad because no one shovels their walk, I drove to the MAC. I swam for 30 minutes (1000 yards).

When I got home, after breakfast at the Cheri Inn, I decided to string some Christmas lights outside. I started stringing lights along the eve located along the front of the house. Then I did the breeze way and garage. I still had some lights so I did the evergreens each side of the front door and strung lights directly over the door. I will send a photo. It took me almost all afternoon.

Since it was book club night, Ed Namey and I went out for pizza. We solved all the world problems.

I am back reading the Detroit Free Press. The Detroit paper has a vastly different point of view regarding the GM bailout than the LA Times. The Free Press has made some good arguments. Unfortunately the auto bigwigs have not been able to articulate their point.

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