Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday December 8, 2008

Today is our big travel day back to GR. We left Sasha's at 0930 and headed for SF International. Our flight is scheduled for 1215. The flight was on time. Boy! did Bob and Nancy luck out. For the second time, nobody was sitting in the window seat. This was great because we could stretch out. The flight was smooth and took only 4 hours. The flight east is about 45 minutes shorter than the flight west. Headwinds, etc.

We waited about an hour in Cleveland and then headed for GR. The plane was only 50% full. GR had plenty of snow on the ground and the temperature was 29 degrees. The taxi could not get up our driveway. We had to carry our bags. The first thing I did when I got inside was to turn my electric blanket on. I did not spend my 30 minutes out doors. Tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

was there snow on the ground in CLE?