Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday December 22, 2008

Guess what Nancy and Bob did first thing this morning? You guessed it, we shovelled snow. About 1" fell overnight. As a result of the shovelling I was about 40 minutes behind schedule. Can a retired person have a schedule? Any way I got back home about noon. Nancy and I headed to the mall to finish Christmas shopping and to get a universal remote for a TV. We were unsuccessful. I did get a slice of pizza at the food court. The mall was jammed. I think most people want to get every thing done before tonight's snow storm. Yes we have another storm coming.

I stopped by the office to pay my fee for the football bowl pool. I also got a Christmas gift from the office. Of course I spent a lot of time talking sports with the guys.

When I got home I shovelled and went on a short walk. I am now in my nice warm office and will not leave the house. The temperature did not get above 20 today.

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