Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday December 26, 2008

We had freezing rain last night. I had to salt the drive early this morning. After my morning routine, Tasha and I walked to the Kava House for coffee. We had a ham sandwich for lunch. The ham was left over from the Christmas meal.

This afternoon I had to put the back seat in the Aztek. We need the additional seats when we go out to lunch with cousin Peg on Saturday. I also got the car washed (inside and out).

This evening Nancy, Tasha and I had dinner at the Belt Line Bar. Tasha and I had the wet burrito. The place was jammed. What bad economy?

Tasha helped me set up a facebook page. We noted that no one from my high school class is on facebook. No computers up north?

It will not get below freezing this evening. Tomorrow is will get to 50. Most of the ice on the roads should be gone by tomorrow night. I got my 30 in did you?

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