Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday December 4, 2008

Started the day at the blue collar Starbucks. Bought a LA Times, I like this paper and it is cheap compared to the NY Times.

When I got home Nancy and I decided to take LA to Huntington Beach. LA and I walked the path along side the beach. The path has a lot of bike traffic, even for a week day. Nancy stayed in the car because she is still under the weather.

When we got home I make a quick trip to the grocery store to purchase some supplies (beer, etc). Nancy and LA took a nap and I started assembling a "Classic Train Table with Roundhouse". I got the table assembled. Tomorrow the roundhouse.

SLS is feeling better and Vera and I never really got the bug. Tomorrow SLS and Vera are going to "Wicked" and then will stay the evening in Beverly Hills. Nancy and I will take care of LA. It should be a fun weekend.

At the beach we had clear skies and warm temps. At SLS's the day was overcast and cool. Go figure.

The news reports in CA regarding the GM bailout are not as intense as in MI. I think most people in CA could care less. It does not look good.

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