Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday December 28, 2008

I forgot to mentioned that Tasha set up a facebook account for me. I put in Alpena High School in my profile. None of my classmates have a facebook account.

This morning Nancy and I head for the MAC for our Sunday swim. I swam 30 laps using only the crawl. It took me 37 minutes to go 1500 yards. This is my best time for this distance. It is only the first time I used the crawl exclusively for this distance.

When we got home at 0930 Tasha was ready to head for Cleveland. She took some cookies, ham and other Christmas goodies. Petunia stuck with Tasha like glue. No way she was staying in GR.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my nap and then Nancy and I headed for Kohl's. We found nothing.

We got a piece of bad new today. Jimmy Kirkwood passed away. He was only 40 and played with both Tasha, Sasha and SPS when they lived across the street. It has to be a tragic blow to his parents.

I watched a portion of the Lions game today. They set a record of 16 losses in a season. I might have mentioned earlier that I like the new chemicals used by the MAC in their pool. Now it appears as if my nose has rebelled against the chemicals. I am plugged up and cannot breathe. The same happened after my Wednesday swim. I will have to start wearing my swim mask that covers my nose.

Tonight we will finish the Christmas ham and bean soup. It will be an early evening. Nancy and I have a busy week ahead. Remember busy is a relative term for retired folks.

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