Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday December 21, 2008

Happy Solstice. Remember the days are getting longer so spring can't be that far away. The great snow shovelling team of Bob and Nancy had to shovel 5" of snow this morning before heading to the MAC. It might sound weird swimming when the temp is in single digits. Actually the warm water felt good.

After the MAC we did our weekly shopping at Meijers. Despite all the snow and heavy drifting the store was full. Everyone has to get the goodies in for Christmas. As usual Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

After my PM nap I again shovelled the walk. The wind chill is below zero.

We bought a brick of bird seed. I don't know what they use to cement all the seed into a brick but I'm sure it is tasty. I hung up the brick this afternoon.

The snow in the backyard is 21" deep. I got my 30 minutes did you?

I keep reading about the head trauma suffered by our troops in Iraq. They say that the head trauma will lead to dementia. Not a happy thought. I have been thinking about the dementia suffered by my father. I have alway thought it was caused by old age or a series of mini-strokes. However, after reading about the head injuries in Iraq I now think that maybe Dad's dementia was caused by a serious accident that Dad suffered while working on a construction project. Dad was working on the second floor of a building under construction when a crane carrying a heavy load hit dad in the head. Dad was in the hospital for about six months and in a coma for several weeks. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I had no idea about Grandpa!! When was this?