Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thursday December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone! We had a white Christmas. You know everyone in your home is above 30 when everyone sleeps in on Christmas morning. I slept in to 0800. Nancy, Tasha and I opened presents around 0900. It was a great Christmas. I got several gift cards, a cool vest, swimming caps, bedroom slippers and a book on construction of the Panama Canal. I also got a cool electronic gps/watch/heart rate monitor/etc from Sasha and the Scott Team. It is a great tool for biking, kayaking, and walking. Tasha printed out my blogs and put them in a really clever notebook. Thanks everyone.

Nancy made her world famous poached eggs. It was so good and filling I had to take a nap. After the nap I snacked, played with my GPS, snacked, read my blogs, snacked, and finally took a walk.

We had ham for dinner. The dinner also included gourmet potatoes and green beans. Christmas cookies were dessert.

Nancy and I have had 43 Christmas days together. Each one was special. We have never been separated. I have only spent 2 Christmas days away from my family. The first was 1961 on Midway Island and the second was 1963 in Vietnam.

I remember 1 Christmas my Dad spent hours making a scale model of a dragline crane. The crane was on wheels, the boom could be lowered and the bucket could be opened and closed. My Dad was crushed, I seldom played with the crane. The next year I got a small radio. I listened to that radio every night. On cold winter nights I looked forward to going bed and listening to my favorite radio show.

The weather man says that we have had less than 8 hours of sunshine this month. For comparison we had 8 hours of sunshine after 12 noon on the fourth of July. Just remember the days are getting longer and the sun is still in the sky.

Nancy and I want to wish every one a very Merry Christmas.

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