Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday December 12, 2008

Today I set my alarm clock. I had to have my car into the shop by 0800. After delivering the car, I walked to the MAC. I had coffee at Breton Village waiting for the call from the shop. I got the call and they gave me the bad news. About $500 now and probably $2800 in the near future. Should I trade in now? I love the car and it does everything I want (carry my bike and kayak). We use Nancy's car whenever the two of us travel. How about I trade in Nancy's car for a nice new Taurus?

After picking up my car I headed home to catch up on some unfinished items and update my blog. I have been having a hard time keeping warm despite multiple layer. Is it old age?

Tonight Nancy and I ran some errands and stopped at Panera Bread for a quick bite. The rest of the evening will be spent reading the paper and watching TV. I got my 30 minutes did you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can probably get a great deal on a car nowadays.

Always getting the 30 minutes in. Sometimes it's less.. depends on how much Petunia pulls at the leash to hurry up our walk.