Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday December 18, 2008

Boy did I oversleep. I woke at 0630 and had to hurry and get the coffee made for Nancy. I got to the MAC a little after 9. The crowd at the MAC changes after 9. Retirees and moms who got their kids off to school replace the working people who have to be to work by 9.

I went swimming yesterday I swam 1050 yards in 31 minutes. The MAC recently changed the way they disinfect the pool water. This was a great improvement. I no longer have to cover my nose or worry about having severe dry skin.

The Detroit Free Press is suspending home delivery on Monday-Wednesday. They are trying to get more people to go to their on line site. Today the sports page had a picture of the All-State football players but did not give their names or school. This data was available at their web site. As a boy reading the Free Press funnies and sports before school was a big event. Ah the world of RHS is slowly disappearing.

I spent this afternoon trying to see if I could find a simple CD player for cousin Peg. I went to several visually impaired web sites but had no luck. I also filled out a football bowl pool card. I was surprised how much I did not know about this year's football teams. Old age or just not interested?

At 3:30 Nancy and I headed to the movies. We saw the new James Bond movie. I liked it Nancy did not.

At 9 I am going to watch the Madoff story on CNBC. I find this story very interesting.

Attached is a photo of over house with all the lights ablaze. I might take a picture tomorrow night showing the additional 12" of snow that is forecast. I can't get the jpeg to load, I will try tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try uploading the picture again. It didn't take.