Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday December 14, 2008

Sunday is swim day. Nancy and I headed to the MAC at 0745 so that we could be first in the pool when it opens at 0800. We accomplished our mission. It was 15 minutes before anyone else arrived. We swam for 45 minutes.

After the swim we headed to Meijers for our weekly supplies. For breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. I read the first section of the GR Press and then took my Sunday nap. After the nap I went to Best Buy to check out TV's and computers. I noted that HP has a new desktop that has the 24" monitor and computer in one unit. It looks neat. It has a touch screen and web cam all built in. I also checked out the TV's and noted that the prices have dropped in the last several weeks. How come all the TV's less than 27" are all 720P? I could not find a 1080.

It has been above freezing all day. I took out a steel spade and opened up our storm drain. I then cut a channel for all the storm water to reach the drain. I enjoy this. How come a 70 year old man still likes to play in the water?

I helped Nancy tape some packages for mailing to CA. She has been working hard on getting her Christmas shopping done early.

I told Sasha that in 1 week my biorhythms will start to go up. I always note an increase in energy and enthusiasm after the winter solstice. The days are getting longer and spring is on its way.

After January 1 I will add some comments on my blog from my great grandfathers diary that he kept in 1938. I got my 30 minutes in today did you? My spell check is not working so I have to use the dictionary that my mother gave me in 1956. It is indispensable. Thanks Mom, I love you.

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