Monday, May 1, 2023

April 30, 2023

 Sunday April 30, the last day of April.

Woke this morning at exactly 0700.  First thing I took my diverticulitis and MG pills.  My stomach is feeling a little bit better.

Fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Temperature was 39 so I put on my winter outfit for church.

Church was very crowded today.  Good to see so many young folks.

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we drove east on the back roads.  As the song says, “Spring is Busting out all Over”.  I cannot remember such a pretty spring.

Our drive ended up at Panera near our old Condo.  We had coffee and baguette.

At home I put on warm bike clothes and took a 6 mile drive.

I was cold when I got home so I turned on electric blanket and took a short nap.

After the nap I read the GRP on line.  I really miss a Sunday newspaper that is printed on real paper.

This and that:

President Biden seems to have out foxed his opposition.  No Dem is opposing him which is a shame.

I sure hope the GOP can find someone to run against Trump.  

Hope our politicians are not losing interest in the war in Ukraine.

I had a bottle of Ensure and a piece of toast for dinner tonight.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report. Missy comment that our transmission seemed scratchy.

Tonight we watched another episode of “The Citadel”.  Have to wait another week to see episode 3.

Temperature 39 when we headed to bed.  Cold front moving in Michigan’s UP expecting several feet of snow.

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