Thursday, May 18, 2023

May 17, 2023

Wednesday May 17, 2023

Blog time 1500 sitting in office

Slept in until 0730 today.

Wednesday my easy day.  No MVP today.

Nancy left at 0800 for her Wednesday swim at MVP.

 It was 46 this morning when I put on long bike pants and heavy clothes.  I wear my knickers when morning temps in 50s.

Today I headed out on what I thought would be a 10 mile ride.  I took my normal route to MVP.  Instead of turning on Burton I headed straight north on Forest Hills Ave.  This route has one part that requires some care.  It is the bridge over the freeway.  

Great morning for a bike ride temps in low 50s.  After I negotiated the freeway bridge I continued north until I reach Cascade and then headed home.  I was surprised my mileage was the same as my East Paris route.  I will eliminate the Forest Hills route and continue using East Paris it is much safer.

Changed clothes drove to Meijer’s to pick up prescription. The prescription was not ready. 

Helen arrived at 1500.  We got her settled in before going for a walk around the grounds. Total distance walked 1.2 miles.

This evening the three of us went to Happy Hour.  After HH we headed to the Main dining room.  Helen and I had the salmon and Nancy had the special Mongolian beef with rice.  We all liked the meal.

No TV tonight.  We sat in den talking.  Helen tonight will sleep on the couch.

Temp in 50s when we turned in.  Tomorrow morning it will be cool but still sunny.

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