Thursday, May 11, 2023

May 10, 2023

 Wednesday May 10, 2023

The alarm goes off at 0545.  Breakfast Club Wednesday. The sun was up when I left home at 0630.  Nice being able to drive in daylight.

Good size crowd at BC.  Today we had a group discussion of the China threat in the South China Sea.  Most folks supported a strong US Navy presence in the area.  Very good discussion.  I was surprised at how well informed members were.

Today I drove through our old neighborhood, Ottawa Hills.  It looked great.  Well maintained homes and yards.

At home I put on bike clothes and took a 8.5 mile ride.  Great day for a ride.

Today was Nancy’s swim day.  She said she had no difficulty getting a lane.

I showered as soon as I got home.  Tonight we are going to an event at Meijer’s Garden.  I have to wear a suit.  Brought up my 50 year old navy blue 3 button suit.  It fit, but just barely.

Checked on college fund for the three grandkids. Plan on sending a check to UC Irving soon.

Showed Nancy how to request a refill on the Spectrum Portal.

Signed a ton of insurance forms.

Started picking up for cleaners tomorrow.

At 1700 Nancy and I got dressed for tonight’s Gala at the Gardens.  Even remembered how to tie a tie.  We have attended this event in the past.  Everyone get dressed up.

Surprise!  As we were entering Nancy noted that folks were not dressed up.  She ditched her sweater but I kept my tie on.  I think of the 500 folks in attendance only 5 men wore ties.  Good to be different.

The event was a charity auction.  Last time we attended I was low bidder on a trip to Africa.  Tonight’s auction was totally different.  They auctioned off a lot of garden supplies.  We bid on nothing.  I did give $100 to an education fund.

We sat at a table for ten.  All our table mates were under 35. The women sat on one side of the table and men on the other.  No conversation everybody was busy on iPhone.  If these folks are our future leaders we don’t have a chance.

The food tonight instead single meal was family style.  The food was terrible.  We left early.

Busy day today so I headed to bed as soon as we got home.

Tomorrow will be another warm sunny day.

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