Friday, May 26, 2023

May 25, 2023

 Thursday May 25, 2023

Blog time noon, sitting in Forest Hills Foods

Up at 0720.  The cleaners come  this morning so we spent time picking up.

Nancy headed to MVP for her treadmill/stationary bike routine.  I had an apple for breakfast and headed out.

I bundled up because of temps in high 40s.  It was colder still  because of the strong wind. Pedaled 5.5 miles to MVP.  30 minutes of calisthenics before putting bike gear back on and heading to Forest Hills Foods. It is 2.4 miles from MVP to Forest Hills Food.  

I had my heart set on buying a cup of yogurt with blueberries and granola but they were sold out.  Bummer! Instead I settled for 2 donuts and a Starbucks coffee.  Read the morning papers before heading home.  Total bike distance today 9.9 miles.

At home the cleaners were done.  The apartment looks great.  

Showered and then Nancy and I headed Meijer’s to check on the status of Nancy’s prescription.  It would be ready in 2 hours.  We said we will pickup tomorrow.  I was happy with the fast action of our new Spectrum GP.  I had only called yesterday.  

Lunch at 1400 followed by short nap.  

1700 we headed to the outdoor patio for Happy Hour.  No one was there.  Maybe they thought it was too cold.  We headed inside and sure enough 15 folks were enjoying HH.  Sissies!

We left HH at 1745 for the dining room.  We were seated with another couple.  For dinner Nancy had the sweet-sour chicken and I had salmon.  Nancy raved about the sweet-sour chicken.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Call the Midwife” followed by Harrison Ford’s Apple TV show “Shrinking”.  

Tomorrow is May 26 but when checked weather for tomorrow Frost Warnings were up!!  Good Grief!

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