Wednesday, May 24, 2023

May 23, 2023

 Tuesday May 23,  2023

Blog time Wednesday at 1630, a day late

Up at 0720, fixed oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.  Temp was in mid 50s but sunny.

Nancy left early for her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.  It was too cold to wear knickers today.  I wore my new all wool bike jacket with several other layers.  Biked 5 miles to MVP.  MVP was almost empty except for Nancy on the stationary bike.

I did my calisthenics which took 28 minutes.  Put bike clothes back on and headed up Forest Hills Avenue to Forest Hill Foods.  Bought two donuts and a Starbucks coffee. Spent an hour reading the morning papers.

Got home at noon.  Total miles today 9.9.

Showered and then Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s.  Today we made more food purchases. 

Found time for a quick nap. At 1700 we headed downstairs to the patio for Happy Hour.  We sat under the umbrellas and I drank my Vernor’s and Nancy her coke.  Very pleasant being outside.

Tonight is hot dog night.  We drove to Leo’s and had our hot dog with fries.  Leo’s was crowded.

Tonight we watched a new episode of Dalgliesh on Acorn.

The temperature will drop to 40s tonight.  No rain tomorrow another nice bike day.

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