Saturday, May 27, 2023

May 26, 2023

 Friday May 26, 2023

Blog time 1130 sitting in Forest Hills Food.

Sunrise today at 0609.  Sunset 2109. 15 hours of daylight.

We both got up at 0700.  Nancy has her Friday swim and my routine is same as every weekday.

It was 34 when checked weather.  Dug out warm pants, gloves and hat.  It is 5.5 miles to MVP.  When I arrived at MPV the temp had risen to 52.  An 18 degree rise. I was drenched in sweat.

Quick work out and then I pedaled to Forest Hills Foods.  Bought two donuts and a Starbucks coffee.  Read the local papers before heading home.  Total miles today 9.9 miles.

Nancy had lunch today we several women who live on our corridor.  She had the Quiche.

After a shower Nancy and I drove to Meijer's.  We picked up a prescription for Nancy.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  At 1700 we headed down to the Outdoor Patio for Happy Hour.  HH was well attended.

We had 1745 reservations for dinner tonight.  Our dinner guests were two sisters, life long residents of GR.  I had the lobster pasta and Nancy had light cheese tray.

Tonight Nancy played Mexican Train.  I watched a nature show on Netflix.

Debbie called this evening.  We had a nice talk.  Tomorrow Missy and AJ are visiting.  

Tomorrow will be another warm day.

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