Wednesday, May 10, 2023

May 9, 2023

 Tuesday May 9, 2023

Blog time 1600 on Wednesday, another day late.

The sun was up before we were today.  Nancy drove to MVP for her treadmill/stationary routine.  After an oatmeal breakfast I put on bike clothes and pedaled to MVP, 5 miles.  

Sunny with temps reaching 70s today.  About time.

Calisthenics and chin/pull ups today.  I am slowly trying to increase the number reps.  Before my hip surgery a year ago I was able to do 8 each.   Today I am up to 5.

After the workout I pedaled home, total miles 8.5.  Showered and shaved, dressed and made a quick run to bank to deposit IRS refund check.  

This afternoon my sister, Helen, Niece Jennifer and her two daughters, Paige and Molly will visit. Also in the party are Molly’s 3 month’s old baby and Paige’s husband Mike.  

We gave them a quick tour of our building and apartment.  Nancy enjoyed holding the baby.  Our next door neighbor is a friend of Helen’s.  Dave and Chris were home so Helen had the opportunity to talk to them.  

As the group was leaving another resident was walking by. Dr Dean Smith was a classmate of both Helen and Nancy at Albion.  Helen was glad to have the opportunity to talk with Dr Smith.

Nancy and I did attend the Happy Hour starting at 1700.  For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s for a hot dog.

Tonight we watched another episode of the Coroner.  I gave the show a B+ as did Nancy.

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