Monday, May 8, 2023

May 7, 2023

 Sunday May 7, 2023

Blog time noon, sitting in den

Up at 0700.  The rain had stopped.  Temp in 60s.

Oatmeal breakfast and then dressed and headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Light attendance at church.

Took a short ride after church.  We did stop at Panera for a coffee and another stop at Meijer for gas.  Gas was $3.34.

This afternoon we are attending lunch at the Moleski’s.  Drinks at 1300 and food at 1400.

I did find time this morning to read the GRP.  Actually I read the funnies and obits.

Left for Moleski’s at 1230.  We brought a bottle a wine as did the two other guests Tim Mask and Conny Cady.  Today Tom and Linda prepared beef and chicken kabobs.  Tom grilled the kabobs over an open flame.  Very good.

In addition, we had drinks and snacks.  We spent two hours eating, drinking and talking.  Some thing old folks enjoy.

We got home at 1700.  Because of all the food at the Moleski’s no dinner tonight.

Nancy and I did find time for a mile walk through Cook Valley’s Wetlands.  Saw Sand Hill Cranes, Geese, Rabbits and Muskrats.

Starting at 1900 watched several sections of “60 Minutes”.  Tonight we also watched another episode of “Coroner”.  I liked, Nancy not so much.

Temps still in 50s when we turned in.  Tomorrow morning will be mild so I can get a bike ride in.  Rain in afternoon.

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