Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 3, 2023

 Wednesday May 3, 2023

Blog time 1615 sitting in office

Today was my easy Wednesday. Up at 0730.  Temp in 30s but sun this afternoon.  

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her MVP swim.  Today she is driving alone.

For breakfast this morning I had oatmeal and a bagel at Panera.  Spent some time reading the morning papers. Made a special trip to Ada Bike.  Bought a warm weather cap to wear under my bike helmet.

Got home about noon.  Started a load of laundry.  Put on bike clothes and took a short 4 mile ride, followed by a shower and a nap.

For lunch I had a cup of yogurt.  Today I finished the last of my diverticulitis pills.  Thank God!

In anticipation of warmer weather I took some winter clothes down to our locker.  My super-duper weather app said high temps in 60s for rest of week.

The sun came out at 1600.  Nancy and I took a short walk.

At 1700 we attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the main dining room.  We sat with another couple and had a nice conversation.  

Tonight we watched an Episode of “Inspector Morse”.  It was a little data but entertaining.

Tomorrow will be sunny and a little warmer.  High temp in 65.  Good day for bike ride.

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