Sunday, May 7, 2023

May 6, 2023

 Saturday May 6, 2023

Blog time 1700 sitting in den

Did not get up until 0730.  Watched a little of King Charles big day.  A lot of color and pageantry.

Dressed and then headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  We got there late so we did not get our preferred seats.  Oatmeal for me and omelette for Nancy.

After breakfast we took our Saturday ride through the new construction in Ada Village.  Stopped at Costco to get a plate of pinwheels to take to this evening’s Kentucky Derby Party at Cook Valley.

Today I took an 8 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride. Shaved and showered followed by quick nap.  

At 1700 we grabbed our pin wheels and walked down the hall to the Kentucky Derby party.  The party was well attended.  A lot of great food.  Folks were betting on the race.  Our 90 year old neighbor won $68.  We returned home at 1930.

This and that:

As mentioned yesterday,  I think President Biden not attending King Charle’s coronation was not in good taste.  What happens when we need the UK support on one of his foreign policy adventures.

Today is Mary Joe Reinke’s birthday.  Mary Joe was my age and lived just down the block from us.  We both attended Kindergarten at Bingham School.  Mary Joe tied my shoes for me.  I was a little slow.

The Free Press did a real service to Michigan resident’s when they reported on our Attorney General’s paid Caribbean vacation by a Traverse City lawyer.  

I have no idea how the Tigers are doing.

Tonight we watched another episode of “The Good Cop” before heading to bed.  Bed time temps still in the high 50s.  Just after I turned in a big thunder storm rolled through.

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