Thursday, May 25, 2023

May 24, 2023

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Blog time 1929 sitting in office

Breakfast Club Wednesday 

Alarm goes off at 0545.  Dressed and headed downtown to the University Club for the BC meeting.

Speaker today was the County Prosecutor.

Topic was Crime against Senior Citizens.  Very good talk.

This morning Nancy went swimming.

I took an 8.5 bike ride.

At 1100 Nancy and I attended a Cook Valley section meeting.  Boring!

Drove to Meijer’s and Costco to get Nancy’s meds squared away. Retiring Doctors has made a mess of our ordering meds.

At home I called our new GP, Dr Nguyen and got several prescriptions squared away.  Nancy is very worried about running out of meds while in CA.

I found time for a short nap. A 1700 we headed down to the patio for Happy Hour.  It was cool so we were joined by only the Reese’s.

For dinner Nancy had the chicken special.  I had a burger.  Great burgers at Cook Valley.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of Dalgliesh on Acorn.  I gave it a B-.

Temp in 50s when headed to bed.  Low 40s expected for tomorrow morning.

This and that:

Noted a lot of baby geese and ducks in neighborhood.  

The flowers around Cook Valley are beautiful.

Every day I see wild turkeys and sand hill cranes.

I don’t understand the problems with the debt limit.

Ukraine seem to be holding their own against Russia.  Hope US and allies don’t give up.

Most schools in Mi have finished the year.  Cook Valley is losing most of their wait staff.

Our Governor and Dem legislators are making Mi a union state.  Contractors and school administrators are losing control.


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