Monday, October 31, 2022

Oct 30, 2022

 Sunday October 30, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in den.

Originally we had planned on not attending church today.  We thought we had too much preparation to do for the afternoon showing.

Checked downstairs and saw a picture frame had broken free from the wall.  I had some super-duper hangers recently purchased at Ace. The instructions were confusing so I goggled the hanger name and we watched a YouTube video on how to install. It worked.  Saved by the internet.

We rechecked the house and everything looked ok for the showing.  We quickly dressed and headed to Trinity Lutheran.  We made it with one minute to spare.

Today is Reformation Sunday.  A big day in the Lutheran Church.  500 years ago Martin Luther printed the Bible in German.  First time normal German citizens could read the Bible.  It was the start of the Protestant reformation.

We were suppose to wear red.  Most folks forgot.  I did have on a pair of my favorite red wool socks.

After church we took a short ride through rural areas of southern Kent County.  Very pleasant.

While on our ride I got text from Realtor saying today’s showing was canceled because of sickness.  Bummer after all our work.

This and that:

Last week we Voted.  For many offices I wrote in my name.  I cannot believe the low caliber of many candidates.

The political TV ads and phone calls have been very nasty.

As I have mentioned in the past I am turned off by Professional and College sports.  Money controls.  I did not watch a minute of the UM/MSU game.

I sure hope we don’t abandon Ukraine.  A GOP leader is talking that way.

What is with the Stockmarket.  Despite inflation and bad news it keeps going up.

No bike ride today,  instead I took a two mile walk. Followed by a nap.

For dinner tonight we finished Nancy’s omelette from yesterday. Also had buttered sourdough toast and coleslaw.

We watched several episodes 60 Minutes before switching to Acorn.  Watched another episode of “My Life Is Murder”.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Dark and a hint of rain in the air.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

October 29, 2022

 Saturday October 29, 2022

Blog time 1700, Sunday, sitting in Den.  Once again a day late.  

Saturday, slept in until 0730.  Dressed, took pills and headed to “The Gathering Place”.  The place was crowded but we were able to get our favorite table.

Nancy had her Western Omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal with a single egg, also raisin toast.  Is this boring or what??

Took a short ride after breakfast.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.  At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a bike ride.  

The temperature for the ride was in mid 40s, perfect.  Today’s ride was 10 miles.  While on the ride I got a call from the Realtor saying she had scheduled a viewing for 1330 on Sunday.

After my shower and shave, I spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for the open house and titavating.  I can’t remember the move from Mackinaw to the Condo in 2014 being this much work. 

Made several trips to Good Will.  I continue to toss old workout clothes and shoes.  Spent time cleaning out the garage.  Things like garden tools, snow shovels, step ladders were sent to Good Will.

We made a special effort getting the house looking good for tomorrow’s showing.  We think it is important to sell Condo before snow flies.

For dinner tonight we headed to Panera for a bowl of soup.  I had the squash bisque.  It was outstanding.  

Tonight we watched an episode of Lucy Lawless’s “My Life is Murder”.  It was very good.

Tonight we FaceTimed with Debbie.  Both Debbie and my sister, Helen, tested negative for Covid today, great news.  Nancy’s sister Peg also called and they had a nice talk.

It was pitch black when checked Courtyard.  Everything as far as I could tell looked ok.

October 28, 2022

 Friday October 28, 2022

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Immediately checked temperature.  It was 36 and at sunrise, 0812, it will be sunny.  A nice day in my book.  Unlocked garage door and backed out Escape.

Nancy left at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.

Calisthenics, oatmeal and then put on warm bike clothes and headed out.  Today I switched bike helmets.  Put on my winter helmet which does not have not have as many vent holes as the summer one.

Pleasant 5 mile ride to the Y.  Once again the Y was not crowded.  I did all my morning routine except push-ups.  Today I will call a Doctor to make an appointment to have someone look at my shoulder.

After the Y I pedaled to Panera.  Just sat down when Nancy walked in.  We talked for 30 minutes.

At home we spent the rest of the day titavating.  Nancy keeps pointing out places that need downsizing.  Made several trips to Good Will.

For dinner tonight we started out at Shepard’s Grill.  It was crowded, no table available.  Same thing with Cascade Road House.  We finally ended up at Sundance.  Sundance has changed their menu to a Southwest theme.  Much too spicy.  Ended up with eggs and toast.

At home we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Nice crescent moon and mild temps.  

Friday, October 28, 2022

October 27,2022

 Thursday October 27, 2022

Once again I am a day late.  This has got to stop.

Blog time Friday at 1200 sitting in Panera.

Up at normal time, 0700.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape. It was very cold, 30.  First frost of fall.

Nancy headed out for a new class at MVP.

Normal morning activities.  Today I put on my cold weather clothes.  My only problem was my hands got cold.  Needed my leather chopper mitts.

After the Y I headed to Panera.  Was just locking my bike when I got a call from Nancy.  Nancy wanted me to come straight home.  I complied.

When I got home the saw yellow tape across our sliders.  The Property Manager’s staff had closed access to our deck.

 They were replacing deck boards when they found the joists holding the deck boards were rotten.  A member of the Condo Association Board was called in.  It was agreed that a new deck was needed.  Of course the cost would be borne by the Association.

The deck will be given temporary support.  This job will be completed next week.  So the yellow tape can come down and the deck can be used.

This afternoon I made another trip to Good Will.  I also stopped at Pak Mail.  Mailed a package of porcelain pottery and other small items to Missy.  Expected delivery time Thursday Nov 3.  Called Missy to be on watch.  Bought tuna sandwich and coleslaw for dinner at D&W.

This afternoon I wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.  

Spent rest of afternoon titavating.  For dinner tonight had tuna salad and coleslaw.

Tonight we had FaceTime conversations with Akerke, Debbie and Missy. Watched the last episode “Karen Pirie”.  Good ending we gave show a B.

Courtyard check before bed and temp in 40s.  Tomorrow will be a nice day.  Morning temps in 30s but no frost.

October 26, 2022

 Wednesday October 26, 2022

Blog time 1945 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0545.  Today I have Breakfast Club.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.

Pouring rain on drive to downtown.

Today’s speaker was to talk on Myasthenia Gravis.  He did not show.

Stopped at Y on way home from BC.  Calisthenics at 50%.  Today I did try some running.  I can run 1000 feet with no problem.  

At home continued titavating.  Made several trips to Good Will.

For dinner tonight had lean cuisine’s meatball dinner.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Karen Pirie”.  The show is set in Scotland.  We have trouble understanding the brogue.  No wonder my ancestors left for North America.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was cold frost possible tonight.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

October 25, 2022

 Tuesday October 25, 2022

Blog is again late:  I am writing blog on Wednesday the 26 sitting in den.

Finally a normal week day morning.

Rode bike to Y.

Spent time at Panera drinking coffee and reading.

At home we continued titavating.  Made several trips to Good Will.

Our trash and recycle bins are now full.  I think I can see the light at the end of they tunnel.

This afternoon we had Clean Sweep stop by and take a lot of heavy junk.  We used the same outfit when we moved from Mackinaw.  His helper today was the Owner’s sister.  Clean Sweep charged a reasonable fee.

For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  After Leo’s we took a short drive.  It just started raining when we arrived at home.

TV tonight was the first episode of Karen Pirie on BritBox.  No opinion.

It was raining when checked Courtyard.  Tomorrow will rainy and mild.  Cold sets in on Wednesday.

October 24, 2022

 Monday October 24, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Slept in until 0730 today.  Checked weather on iPhone and they said rain this morning.  I will drive to Y.

Nancy headed out for her morning swim at MVP.  I did at home calisthenics before breakfast.

This morning I called Clean Sweep.  They will pick up junk in garage tomorrow at noon.

Also called realtor.  We agreed to adjust our asking price for condo.

Drove to the Y in a very light rain.  Did my calisthenics and a mile walk.  Today I walked a 21’ mile.  Good walking time for me but still passed by a lot of old folks.  

After Y headed to Panera.  The place was empty.

Nancy arrived at Panera just after I sat down.  She said the pool was empty, no waiting.  First swim in several weeks.

Forgot to mentioned last week, that Helen, Debbie, Nancy and I drove to Holland.  Our purpose was to visit a wood bowl factory. Most of the bowls are made of maple.  The bowls are popular among the Vegan community.  The bowls are sturdy and durable.  Debbie and Helen made purchases.  I was impressed with the operation.

At home I showered and then started bringing junk up from the basement.  I was surprised at how much pure junk we had.  Most of the junk was totally unsuited for Good Will.

This afternoon Nancy and I took a CPAC machine to Carelinc.  I had used the machine for several month until my favorite Doctor told me I did not need the machine.  Carelinc seemed appreciative.

This and that:

Just reading the news I cannot determine what party will prevail on Nov 8.  No reporting agency seems impartial.

I really think the main stream media has a strong liberal bias.

The election ads in GR are getting nasty.

For dinner tonight we finished the leftovers.

Tonight we watched another episode of Lucy Lawless’s “My Life is Murder”.  We thought is was a new series but I think had seen it  before.

I did check the courtyard before Bed.  Everything ok.

Monday, October 24, 2022

October 23, 2022

 Sunday October 23, 2022

Up this morning to an empty house.  Debbie and Helen left yesterday.  It was lonely.

First thing I drove to Panera to get Nancy and my coffee.

Quick oatmeal breakfast and then at 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  It was a beautiful day.  Temps will reach mid 70s.

Church was very crowded today.  

We did take a short trip to Lowell after church.  Colors were great.

At home we got a call from Debbie.  Both she and Helen had tested positive for Covid.

We got out our self test.  Both Nancy and I were negative.  Good news for us.

For the first time in a week I did take a bike ride, 9 miles.  Good to be back on bike.

We spent the rest of the day uncluttering.  Made several trip to Good Will.

I called Clean Sweep yesterday and they will pick up unneeded junk.  I started filling the garage with old rugs, broken furniture, etc. Have a large pile in the garage.

My final activity for the day was a nap.  Is a nap an activity?

Toast and pudding for dinner tonight.  

We did watch some of 60 Minutes tonight.  Switched to BritBox and watched a crime show.  

It was still warm when checked Courtyard before bed.  Another warm day tomorrow.

October 22, 2022

 Saturday October 22, 2022

Blog time 2130 sitting in downstairs office.

Set alarm last night for 0530.  Got right up when alarm went off.

Today Debbie has an early morning flight to San Jose.

The temperature was in 50s and will reach 76 later.  Big warmup.

Dropped Nancy and Debbie off at United Gate.  I then parked in short term lot and joined them in terminal.  At boarding time we said our goodbyes.  Debbies plane departed on time.

Debbie was a great help during her visit.  Through her efforts we almost completed our downsizing.

On way home Nancy and I stopped at Panera.  Bought ourselves coffee and split a scone.  The place was empty.  After 20 minutes we bought Helen a coffee and scone and headed home.

Today Helen’s church is having their Michigan annual meeting.  It is on zoom.  Started at 0800 and finished at 1200.

This morning I did find time for a 1.25 mile walk.

After the walk Nancy and I started cleaning the garage.  We took garden tools,  and other items we stored in garage to Good Will.  Four trips.

I did spent some time sweeping our concrete slap below the wood deck.  It now looks clean.

After Helen’s zoom meeting she took a 30 minutes nap.  The nap seemed to refresh her.  Helped her load her car and she was on her way to Coldwater.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Debbie’s trip was smooth.  She FaceTimed us this evening.  She was glad to be home.  Violet and her cats liked the folks who spent the week at her house.

For dinner we had finished the leftovers.  Tonight we sat in the den and watched a BritBox crime show.  We both fell asleep during the show.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was mild with a crescent moon. Warm weather continues through Tuesday.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

October 21, 2022

 Friday October 21, 2022

Up this morning at 0700.

Made a quick trip to Panera.

Got coffee for sister, Helen, Nancy and me.

For breakfast ate some of the coffee cake Helen had made.  Very good.

Today Debbie, Nancy and I spent the entire day downsizing.

I made about 6 trips to Good Will delivering a lot of kitchen items, and clothing.

Made a trip to library to drop off many old text books.

Our recycle and trash containers are almost full.

It was a busy day but at the end of the day I could see we made great progress in downsizing.  

For dinner tonight we had a chicken casserole Helen had made.  It was very good.  Also home made apple sauce and salad.

We spent the rest of the evening sitting and the living room chatting.

It was mild and clear when checked Courtyard.  Big warm up coming tomorrow.

October 20, 2022

 Thursday October 20, 2022

Blog time 2030 sitting in living room

Up at 0700.  Drove to Panera to get coffee for Nancy, Helen and Bob.  Light mist with temp in high 30s.

For breakfast with had Helen’s home made Blueberry coffee cake.  Very good.

Spent the morning cleaning up my work bench.  Gave most of the old tools to Kim whose husband is very handy.

Today I made two trips to Good Will.  

Helen today had lunch with an old Gaylord friend who lives in a retirement home just down the street from our Condo.

Nancy and Debbie also spent several hours cleaning closets.

For dinner tonight we ate at Bagger Dave’s.  Paige and her friend Mike Smith joined.  For once the place was crowded.  We had a new waitress and our orders were not correct. 

No TV tonight.  After dinner we sat and talked.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

October 19, 2022

 Wednesday October 19, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

Today is my easy day.

It was raining and cold, 37, when got up.

Got coffee at Panera for Bob and Nancy.  Also bought a bagel.

Drove to the Y and did my abbreviated calisthenics.  Today’s mile walk time 19 minutes.  Today I showered at Y.

Nancy had lunch with friends today.

Debbie and I had lunch at Cascade Road House.

At home Debbie and I cleaned out my old college text books.

Our house was shown from 1400 to 1500.

At 1400, Nancy, Debbie and Bob drove to Porter Hills to see our new apartment under renovation.

My Sister, Helen, arrived at 1500. She is staying until Saturday. 

Nice to have a full house of family.

Dinner tonight at Monellis Bar and Grill.

We met Page and her boyfriend Mike Smith.  Monellis is an Italian restaurant.  The place was jammed.  I had spaghetti and meat balls. Very good. 

At home we spent a relaxing hour talking.

Checked Courtyard before bed. It was raining and cold.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

October 18, 2022

 Tuesday October 18, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Up at 0630.

Backed out Escape from garage.

It was cold, 37 and raining.  Rain most of the day.

Did my normal morning routine including oatmeal breakfast.  Drove to Panera to get Nancy and Bob their morning coffee.

Took all the old kitchen wear to Good Will.

We had a break in the rain so I took a 1.5 mile walk.  Wore heavy wool cap and mittens to keep warm.  Surprise! Only encountered one other walker.

The house is being shown at 1100 so at 1030 we left and headed to Target in Eastbrook.  Nancy and Debbie walked around while I visited the Carhartt, Lands End and Dunham Sports stores.  Nothing was purchased this morning.

We stopped at Macatawa Bank and inspected the contents of our safety deposit boxes.  Everything was in order.

At home Nancy and Debbie went through Nancy’s jewelry and perfume drawers.  Not much was thrown out.

Today Nancy had an appointment with her foot doctor’s PA.  Nancy has a badly bruised right foot.  The PA inspected the foot and took an X-ray.  Good news no broken bones.  

Dinner tonight at Leo’s.  Tuesday night hot dogs.

Tonight we watched the last episode of Shetland. Sad because I really liked this show.

Check of Courtyard before bed, still raining, cold and windy.  More of the same tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

October 17, 2022

 Monday October 17, 2022

Blog time 1030 sitting in Panera.

Got up this morning at 0630.  Checked outside and it was cold, 34, and raining.  Rain all day predicted.

I did my at home calisthenics.  No breakfast at home today.  I dressed and drove to the Y.  

Arrived at Y before 0800.  Earliest arrival ever.

Completed my normal routine.  Today I walked a mile as fast I could.  It took me 20 minutes.  Fast time for me but I was still passed by most folks.

Got home a little after nine.  Debbie was still sleeping.  Nancy did not want to go to Panera for breakfast.  I took the Fusion.

At Panera I had oatmeal and a bagel.  Finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

It is now 1050 and I am heading home.  Today we have a showing at 1430 so I have to help with the picking up.

After the showing Debbie and Nancy cleaned out all excess kitchen pots and pans.  I was surprised at how many there were.  Placed all the pots and pans  in cardboard boxes and loaded in Escape.  Tomorrow I will take to Good Will.

For dinner tonight we ate at Russ’s.  Debbie had chicken rice soup and a burger.  Nancy had only a cup of chicken rice soup and a muffin.  I had a bowl of chili and a muffin.  All very good.  

Tonight we watched a British crime show featuring  forensic lab folks solving crimes.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We both gave an update of our activities.

When checked the courtyard before bed.  It was cold and raining.  More of the same tomorrow.

Monday, October 17, 2022

October 16, 2022

 Sunday October 16, 2022

Blog time Monday at 1000 in Panera

Up early Sunday morning, 0630.

Drove to Panera to get coffee for Nancy and Bob.

We let Debbie sleep in.  She probably has some jet lag.

It was cold this morning.  Temp 39 and high will be in 40s.

For breakfast this morning we drove to Leo’s.  We all had eggs and toast. Debbie and I had hash browns and bacon with our eggs.  Debbie raves about the hash browns.  I agree.

Our Condo is being shown at 1130 so we had several hours to kill after breakfast.   First stop was Costco.  We spent over an hour walking the aisles.  We did purchase several small items.

When we arrived home at noon the prospective buyers (we hope) had left.  This afternoon both Debbie and I took a nap.

After the nap I took a 2.5 mile walk.  It was windy with temps in 40s.  I bundled up so no problem walking.  Average mile speed was 25 minutes.

For dinner tonight we all ate light.  Had the news on during dinner and Debbie was amazed at the number of political ads on TV.  She was especially taken back by the number of ads for local offices, something not seen in CA.

After watching a show on BritBox whose name escapes me, we spent time showing Debbie photos on Bob and Nancy’s iPhones.  We each had over 500 photos from 2012 to present.  

We had some great family shots and from our travels.  I was surprised at the quality of the photos taken on the iPhones.

We did not get to bed until midnight.  I did check the courtyard before bed.  It was dark, cold and raining.    

Sunday, October 16, 2022

October 15, 2022

 Saturday October 15, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0700.  

Saturday morning so we had breakfast at “Gathering Place”.

Day’s activities:

Two mile walk.

Continued cleaning up Condo for the 1600 showing.

Trip to Meijer’s to restock food supplies.

According to our realtor showings are usually 45 minute duration.

Left home at 1530.

Took a short ride.  We did swing by the Condo at 1600 and two cars were parked in drive. Made a stop at D&W.  I bought a tuna salad sandwich for dinner.

Checked Condo at 1700 and the cars were gone.

Had tuna sandwich for dinner along with blueberries.

Tonight we watched another episode of “True Lies”

Left for airport at 2115.  Debbies estimated arrival time is 2150.

Dropped Nancy off at terminal and I parked in cell phone lot.

Got a call from Nancy at 2155 that she and Debbie were outside the United entrance.

Debbies flight went well.

At home spent some time talking.

Bed time tonight was near midnight.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

October 14, 2022

Friday October 14, 2022

Blog time 1800 on Saturday.  Yes a day late

Up early this morning, 0630.  Today we have our realtor stopping by at 0900.  

Quickly dress and make a quick run to Panera to get our coffee. I also bought myself a bagel.  The bagel will be today’s breakfast.

Ashley O’Neil arrived at 0900.  We discussed the proposed sales contract.  Everything looked ok so we signed it.  

After the meeting Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  I picked up my Bad Boy and pedaled home.  Nancy headed to book club.

At home I finished my calisthenics and showered.  Took a short nap.

Lunch today was oatmeal and dinner was yogurt.

Got a call from the realtor saying that a showing has been scheduled for Saturday at 1600.

Tonight we watched another episode of the Lucy Lawless “My Life is Murder”.  Like this show.

It was cold low 40s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop to low 30s tonight 

Friday, October 14, 2022

October 13, 2022

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  The temperature was 46. Also brought up an empty trash can.

Nancy headed out this morning to MVP.  She plans on riding the stationary bike and walking the treadmill.

I did the at home calisthenics before my oatmeal breakfast. Bundled up and bike the 5 miles to Y.

Calisthenics and walk before heading to Panera.  At Panera I read Alpena and Detroit News.  Left at 1130.

I keep reporting on deer sightings.  This is the mating season so they are very active.  Right now, 1730, we have three deer in our back yard.  

This afternoon we have an appointment with the renovation contractor for our Porter Hills unit.  We are meeting him at 1300.

As soon as I got home from Panera I quickly showered and headed to Porter Hills.

Steve the contractor met us at the door.  For the next 90 minutes we picked out paint for our unit, floor covering, color and type, cabinets, utilities and shower type.  

Steve estimates that the unit should be ready for occupancy about mid January.  Best we could do.

Stopped at Sam’s Club on way home so Nancy could renew member ship.  I dropped Nancy off and then headed to D&W.  Today is the 13th so I bought a Power Ball and Mega Millions lottery ticket.  

At home I read the GRP and some light reading before dinner.  No lunch today so I just had a cup of yogurt for dinner.

Tonight we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Three deer were watching me from across Tahoe.  Temperature in 40s with rain.  On and off rain most of the night.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

October 12, 2022

 Wednesday October 12, 2022

Blog being written on Thursday at Panera 

Brief summary;

Up at 0530, dressed and headed to Breakfast Club did stop at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  Temp was 50 with rain.

Small crowd at BC.  Speaker was a long time Lacrosse player and referee.  Good talk.

On way home it looked like rain has stopped.

Suited up and took 10 mile ride.  Rain resumed on last mile.

Showered and took a short nap.

Nancy had a PT session this afternoon.

Spent time in afternoon reading.

At 1730 we headed out to the Vance’s new home at Clark Village just off Franklin.  Dough and Cathy Vance had just moved into one of Clark’s many Townhouses.  The unit has about the same square footage as our Porter Hills apartment.  It was interesting to see how they furnished it.  Got some ideas on how we might furnish our new unit.

Joining us for drinks and snacks were the Mastens, Carol and Bill.  We left for Bobcat Bonnies at 1900.  The restaurant is located in Breton Village.  Holligan’s use to occupy this space.

I think we were the oldest folks in the restaurant.  A trivia game was underway.  Four of us ordered the shrimp gumbo.  Nancy had Mac and cheese and Doug Vance had a chicken wrap.  The shrimp dish was very spicy.  I ate all the shrimp but little of the gumbo.  We spent 90 minutes talking, drinking and eating.  A very pleasant evening.  Got home at 2100 and headed straight to bed.

I did check the Courtyard before bed.  Temp in 50s with light rain.  

October 11, 2022

 Tuesday October 11, 2022

Blog time 1300 sitting in living room

Up at 0700, it was dark, sunrise not until 0752. Backed out escape.  The temperature 41 with sun until 2000.  Rain will start about 1900 and continue into tomorrow.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.

I do the at home stuff including oatmeal breakfast.  Bundled up and headed out on my 5 mile bike ride to Y.  Today I took the Bianchi because the Cannondale is at Ada Bike being repaired.

The Y once again was nearly empty.  I did chin-ups, sit-ups and walk today.  No push-ups because my shoulder is still sore.  I decided that I will have a shoulder doctor look at it.  What do you call shoulder doctor?

At Panera I got my free coffee and a baguette.  The baguette is now my go-to morning snack.

Left Panera early today.  I have 1300 meeting with our mover.  

The mover arrived at exactly 1300.  We walked through the Condo and I showed her what we want moved to Porter Hills.  She provided some good advice on what Bob and Nancy could do to assist.  I was satisfied with the answer.

I did have some concerns on what the mover would do with items we did not want.  I think we will retain other folks to help us with these items.  

I did make a delivery of some books we did not want to the library.  Next library run will be with old text books.  Finally decided I had no use for these books.  Who wants to hire an 84 year old engineer who let his license expire.

For dinner we finished Saturday’s pizza.  After the news we watched an English crime show whose name I could not recall.

During our after dinner walk we spotted six deer.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The temp was in 50s with light rain.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

October 10, 2022

Monday October 10, 2022

 Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  The sun was just coming up.  The temperature was 38 but will hit mid 60s later.

Nancy headed out for her morning swim at MVP.  I did standard morning routine.  Put on cold weather bike clothes and pedaled the 5 miles to Y.  

The Y was empty.  Calisthenics and then a walk.  Lately I have been attempting to run a short distance.  Longest distance so far is 0.05 mi.  Hope to be able to run a lap by end of Oct.  A lap is 0.2 mile.

This afternoon Nancy and I have our annual wellness check.  We also hope to get a flu and Covid shot.

Left home at 1300 for UM’s local office at intersection of East Beltline and Lake Drive.  Our new GP is Dr Riley.  Nancy was first.  Dr Riley followed the same procedure as our old GP.  Nancy passed with flying colors.  We did complain to Dr Riley that he has not yet gotten Nancy an appointment with a neurologist.  A big bone of contention.

My exam was like Nancy’s except two blood sample were taken.  I have an iron deficiency.

We both received our Covid and flu shots. The jury is still out on our opinion of Dr Riley.

At home I got on the phone and made appointments with;

The contractor who will renovate our Porter Hills unit.

Our realtor who we gave the green light to sell the condo.

The movers. 

No lunch today so I lunch at dinner time.

We did watch the news.  The President still is tongue tied.  The GOP slate of candidates for national office is poor.  Trump’s ugly headed keeps popping up.

Tonight we watched a short 30’ crime show whose name escapes me.  It was terrible.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

When checked Courtyard before bed the moon was still full and bright.  How many days is a full moon?

Monday, October 10, 2022

October 9, 2022

 Sunday October 9, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Temperature was 38 so I put on my corduroy pants.  Also I wore my Irish fisherman sweater and corduroy sport coat.  A perfect fall outfit.

Quick trip to Panera to get our coffee.  I also purchased a bagel to go with my oatmeal.

We left for Trinity at 0845.  We had a very good crowd for the 0915 service.  The church has a large number of children that attend weekly.  This is good for the long term health of the Church.

After church we made a dry run to a north end Panera.  Nancy is meeting Karen Horlings there for lunch next week.  She wanted to be sure of the location.

Today’s ride was east toward Parnell.  Beautiful fall day.  

We did stop at Meijer’s.  I resupplied my breakfast foods.

Today I took an 8 mile bike ride.  Strong west wind so I selected a route so would have the wind at my back.

Showered and then a quick lunch.  During lunch I watched some of the Lions game.  It seems that a Lion was hurt on every play.  The Lions once again lost.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a fried egg on toast with blueberries.  Very good.

We watched several segments of 60 Minutes before switching to  Acorn and watched the last episode of “Crownies”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Temp in low 50s with again a bright moon.  It will be cold tomorrow morning, 30s.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

October 8, 2022

 Saturday October 8, 2022

Up this morning at 0630.  This morning I am attending a Men’s Breakfast at Trinity Lutheran.  The event starts at 0800.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  

Arrived at Trinity at 0745.  Already over 35 men were in attendance.  At the 0800 starting time we had over 40.

Breakfast this morning was quiche with fruit and sweet rolls. 

Pastor Bob gave a short prayer session.  Today’s Speaker was a MSU science professor who talked about religion and global warming.

Arrived home at 1000.  Nancy was already doing the laundry.  I bundled up and took a 10 mile bike ride.

This afternoon we cleaned several bookcases. In one bookcase we had over 7 years of National Geographic.  We found over 15 book in another bookcase.  I took these books and deposited them in the used book box at Cascade Library.  

I asked the librarian if they took National Geographic magazines.  The librarian showed me a big box where folks deposit magazines.  It is a magazine exchange.  Members come in and take what magazine they want to read.  They might also deposit magazines they have already read.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Thornapple Brewery.  This was the first time we sat inside.  It was not as pleasant as sitting outside.  They had a loud bank which made conversation almost impossible.  The 12” pizza was great but will not revisit until warm weather and we can sit outside.

Debbie Facetimed this morning.  Missy this evening and Alessandra also this evening.  Everything ok.

Tonight we watched the final episode of “Crownies”.  We now must find a new show.

Temperature was in high 40s when checked Courtyard before bed.  We had a very bright full moon.  Temps will drop to high 30s overnight.

October 7, 2022

 Friday October 7, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Recap of activities:

Up at 0700.  Nancy headed out to MVP for her morning swim.

Calisthenics, breakfast and then biked to Y.  

Temperature 38 but sunny.  I was dressed properly so did not get cold.

Y was empty as was Panera.

Left Panera at 1200 because Senior Movers are coming at 1300.

We want to know our role in the move.

Almost got home when I got phone saying we have to cancel the meeting with movers.  Bummer.

Shower and then light lunch.

Nancy and I drove to Costco for supplies.

Light meal for dinner tonight.

I cannot recall what we watched on TV tonight.  

Bright moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Noted two deer watching me from across Tahoe.

Friday, October 7, 2022

October 6, 2022

 Thursday October 6, 2022

Got up early today, 0630.  We have a busy day ahead. No Y or MVP for Bob and Nancy.

This morning we have an appointment at 1030 to see our new apartment at Porter Hills.  

I did my normal calisthenics routine at home.  At 0900 drove to Panera for a coffee.  Found time to read the Alpena and Detroit News.

At 1000 we drove to Porter Hills.  We were met by David Hendrickson, the Sales Counselor.

We were shown Apartment 228 of Porter Hills, Cook Valley Estates.  The apartment has a square footage of 1,370.

The recent tenant had just moved out.  The place was bare.  I had taken some existing furniture measurement and found most of our existing furniture will fit except:

Our dining room table.  

The twin beds and associated pieces in the basement.

My big office desk.  

Porter Hills will remove and replace all appliances, cupboards, and rugs.  Before we move in the apartment will be completed renovated.

The renovation is expected to take about 3 months.

Nancy and I liked the apartment and put down a deposit and signed ownership papers.  A major step for us.

At home I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 9.5 mile ride.  Temperature in mid 60s.  Nancy had a 1500 appointment with a firm that makes shoe inserts.  It was a total bust because she already had the inserts that were prescribed.

Late lunch today.  I will have a bowl of soup for dinner.

This and that:

Random mass shooting are occurring daily.  How about eliminating the open carry laws.  Make it against the law to carry a gun.

Russian men are fleeing the draft by crossing the Bering Sea to Alaska.

The Feds are about to charge President Biden’s son.  That is all the president needs is a major distraction.

The President Is making a big deal about his efforts to protect Women rights.  He is all in on abortions.  Yet he left Afghanistan without a whimper, leaving millions of women living under strict rules that destroy their rights.

For dinner tonight we had chicken noodle soup with blueberries.

Tonight we watched the last episode of “Wanted”.  Great show.  

Clear and cold when checked courtyard before bed.  Low tonight 38 and high tomorrow will be in 40s.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

October 5, 2022

Wednesday October 5, 2022

Blog time 1715 sitting in office.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Up at 0720.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.

I did all my calisthenics at 50% at home.  It was 41 degrees so I dressed warm.

This morning I biked to Ada.  Had breakfast at Noona’s.  Fried eggs, hash brown, bacon and sourdough toast.

Ended breakfast at 1000.  Ada Bike had just opened.  I asked the Ada Bike mechanic to take my bike for a spin.  He heard the same noise I had been hearing.  Looks like bearings are dirty.  Will bring in next Wednesday.

On way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

We continue downsizing.  This afternoon I took 2 warm coats to Trinity Lutheran.  They are having a drive to help recent immigrants.

 Also assembled more clothes to take to Good Will.  I have many pairs of khakis but they all have to be ironed after washing.  No more ironing for me.  I will continue wearing Lululemon and Swet Tailor pants.  Low maintenance and super comfortable.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry.  Also took out trash.

For dinner tonight I had a cup of yogurt, toast and raspberries.  

Tonight we watched an episode of “Shetland”.  Super good.

Moon was shining bright when checked Courtyard before bed.  Morning temperatures will be in 50s and then a cool down begins.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

October 4, 2022

 Tuesday October 4, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  Sunrise today at 0743. The temperature was 38 but will reach 70 later.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today she rides the stationary bike.

Calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  

Dressed for cold ride.  I found a pair of Eddie Bauer lined pants.  Fit great. Headed to Y, 5 miles.

Normal routine at Y except no push-ups.  Total time 30 minutes.

Arrived at Panera at 1100.  Got my coffee and baguette, finished yesterday’s blog and read Alpena and Detroit News.

This and that:

Today is Grandson Lucas Alexander Scott birthday.  He is 17 years.  Lucas is in his senior year at Long Beach Poly HS.  Next year he is attending UC Irving.  Lucas will play baseball.

Nancy and I got to know Lucas better during his visit to GR.  Great kid.  Happy Birthday Lucas.

At home shaved and showered before quick lunch.

This afternoon I loaded up the Fusion with a computer monitor and a printer capable of printing 12” x 18” engineering drawings.  I took this equipment of Cogent Engineering.  Jennifer Dougherty owner of Cogent will make use of the equipment.  

We sat and talked for about an hour.  Jennifer is a superstar engineer.

I got turned around on my way home.  Drove 20 miles before I got squared away.  It was embarrassing. 

For dinner Nancy and I walked to Leo’s for our Tuesday night hot dog.

I thought every Tuesday a new episode of “Shetland” would be on.  Not the case so we watched “Wanted”.

Debbie FaceTime this evening.  Everything ok.  She purchased her ticked to come to GR on the 15th.

Missy also FaceTimed.  We talked about Amherst College new rule, “if one person wants to wear a mask the entire class must wear a mask.  Missy pointed out how stupid the rule is.  If everyone has a mask Missy with her hearing problems cannot read lips.  This rule is major league discrimination.  I hope she contacts Amherst.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Bright moon.  Morning temps in low 40s but will reach 70s later.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

October 3, 2022

 Monday October 3, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera 

It got cold last night.  Checked temp when got up.  It was 34.

First thing I unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  Nancy is going swimming this morning and then has a 1200 PT session.

After calisthenics and breakfast, I got out lined bike pants and my biking mittens.  It was 34 when it took off this morning for the Y.  With all the warm clothes I was comfortable.  Another bright sunny day.  It is now 1130 and the temp is 52, almost 20 degrees warmer than earlier.

From the Alpena News.  The AHS admin is trying to squash rumors.  Cat litter boxes are not allowed in the school’s bathrooms.  Wearing animal masks or meowing is not allowed. 

The Y today had a lot of working age young men.  Are they working from home or just unemployed? 

My shoulder is still bothering me when I do push-ups.  No problems with chin-ups.  I think I will stop until I can talk to my GP next Monday.

Got to Panera at 1100.  I have to leave at noon because I have a 1330 appointment with my ENT, Doctor Winkle.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home.

At home showered, dressed and left for the Doctors.  My appointment was for 1330.  Of course they said to arrive 15 minutes early.  I complied but of course I did not see Doc until 1350.  

Doctor Winkle checked polyps in nose.  Said everything ok see you in 9 months.  Mr Warmth.

Stopped at Meijer’s on way home.  Bought apples, Gala, and yogurt.

At home Nancy put me to work.  We cleaned out a small storage room.  I have enough material to make a run to Good Will.

1630 I made a quick run to Woodland Mall.  Last week at Macy’s I saw a perfect high visibility winter bike jacket.  They did not have my size.  Today I checked again and they said they had the right size in the back room.  The clerk checked and could not find.  Bummer.  How can Macy’s survive.  It is impossible to get waited on and they have limited inventory?

No lunch today so I had my lunch, yogurt and apple, for dinner.  Nancy added a bowl of blueberries.

After the dishes Nancy and I took a 3/4 mile walk. Great evening for a walk. Sun and temp in 60s.  Big change from 34 this morning.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.  Debbie is visiting GR on 19 Oct.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Wanted”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Nice bright half moon.

Monday, October 3, 2022

October 2, 2022

 Sunday October 2, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.

Oatmeal breakfast.  Read the comics and then headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Another good turnout.  Pastor Bob was sick so we had the second team.

For our after church drive we headed west.  Drove through downtown GR, headed west to Millennium Park and then on to Johnson Park.  Took 28th street home.  Drive time 2 hours.

Today I took a nine mile bike ride followed by a shower and lunch.

Nancy and I took a short walk this afternoon.

After some reading I took a nap before dinner.

According to Apple I averaged last week 2 hours and 30 minutes a day on the iPad.  Too much?

This and that:

The color on the maples is especially vibrant.

The news media, especially the Daily Mail, likes to point out the Presidents mental gaffes.

Trump’s rally in Detroit area was well attended.  I don’t know his attraction because to me he is a big blow hard.

The Ukraine army continues to advance.  Hope Putin does not do anything stupid.

Nancy and I got our absentee ballot on Saturday.  

Tonight Nancy fixed me a poached egg over a waffle.  Also raspberries.

After the dishes Nancy and I took another 0.66 miles walk.  Sunny and cool.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Shetland”.  I put a visit to Shetland on my bucket list.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok.  The weather when we get up tomorrow will be in 30s.  Not unusual for October.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

October 1, 2022

Saturday October 1, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up at 0730.  Took our pills and then headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.

Nancy had Western Omelette.  I had 2 eggs sunny side up with bacon and hash browns.  Of course we both had coffee.

At the GP I talked to a K&R equipment operator I have know for years.  He and his wife were very sad.  They lost their winter home in FL to the hurricane.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Ended up at Meijer’s. Our major purchase was dishwasher soap.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I took an eleven mile bike ride.  It was sunny with temps in 50s.

Shaved and showered before lunch.

Spent the rest of afternoon in office.

This and that:

At 1700 UM won and MSU is struggling.

Big rally in Detroit area tonight featuring former President Trump.  As I have said many times before Trump is a cancer on the Mi GOP.

The LAUSD is being under attack by ransom crooks.  The school district has refused to pay.  Sure hope they catch these crooks.

The Miami Herald said the temperature in Miami will drop to 60s.  Most residents cannot handle this cold.  Wimps. 

Tonight we are having dinner at “Bagger Dave’s”.  BG has great hamburgers.

Got to Bagger Daves at 1800.  Easily found a table.  Best burgers in town and we never have trouble finding a table.  Of course I had my burger with a glass of wine.  Nancy had toasted cheese with water.

After dinner we took a short ride around Airport.  Along 36th St we saw a herd of over 10 deer feeding.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Wanted”.  We still have several more seasons to go.

Melissa FaceTimed this evening.  She knew about the ransom attack on the LAUSD.  It was hot in LA.  

Temperature in 50s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Forecast say mild dry days through next Wednesday.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

September 30, 2022

Friday September 30, 2022

Blog time 1600 on Saturday, sitting in office.

I completed Friday’s blog when all of a sudden it disappeared.  I lost everything.

Brief summary of Friday.

Nancy went swimming at MVP.

It was cold when left for Y.  Hands and feet got cold.

At Panera got coffee and baguette.  Nancy joined me.  We spend some time discussing our upcoming move to Porter Hills.

Total bike miles today 9.5.

This afternoon we visited Woodland Mall.  Walked around but purchased nothing.  The place was empty.


For dinner Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup.

Took a 3/4 mile walk after dinner. Saw several deer across Tahoe from our Condo.

Tonight we watched season 2 episode 1 of “Wanted”. 

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

Checked  Courtyard before bed and everything ok.  Warmup tomorrow.