Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 7, 2022

 Wednesday September 7, 2022

Blog time 0945 sitting at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage door and backed out Escape for Nancy.  Temp was in mid 60s and sunny.  Will reach a high of 78 today.

Today is Nancy’s swim day at MVP.  She headed out at 0800.

I did my exercise routine today at 50%.  No Y today.

Put on bike clothes and headed to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Panera had a small crowd of regulars.

Read the WSJ on my iMini.  Headed home at 1200. Total bike miles today was 9.8.

At 1300 Nancy had a PT appointment.  The purpose of this PT is to loosen her face muscles.  The Dr Riley thought this might help relieve her forehead pain.  Time will tell.

I made a quick run to Meijer’s.  Bought gas, oatmeal cookies, prune juice and yogurt.

At home I started a load of laundry.  Trash is delayed this week because of the Holiday.

Other chores this afternoon.

Nancy gathered up a lot of old family photos.

I made a quick trip to Staples and bought a big plastic crate to put the photos in.

I also paid and mailed our quarterly Federal and State taxes.

We picked up the house getting ready for Kim’s visit.

Cheerios with blueberries for dinner tonight.

Tonight we watched a 1960 episode of Endeavor on Prime.

Bright moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temp in 70s but will drop to 50s overnight.  Nice weather continues tomorrow.

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