Monday, September 26, 2022

September 25, 2022

 Sunday September 25, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0630.

I dressed and drove to Panera to get a coffee and bagel for me. I was first customer.  Panera lately has been running out of bake goods early in morning.  I asked sarcastically being the first customer if they had any bagels.  The manager explained that last weeks sales were unexpected.  The sales were twice what they were exactly a year ago.  This is good sign.  

When I got home Nancy was taking her blood pressure.  Our plan for this morning it to take the orange juice and wine we purchased yesterday with us to church.  We will leave directly after church for Moleski’s.

Church was jammed.  This is the start of Sunday School.  Pastor Bob was in fine fiddle.

We got to Moleski’s at 1030.  Except for Mary Namey the entire book club was in attendance.  

The Moleski’s prepared an egg dish, sausage and a great blueberry cake.  Of course we had drinks. We spent several hours eating and talking.

At home I finished blogs and checked emails.  Because of our big brunch I only had a cup of yogurt for dinner.  After dinner I took a mile walk my favorite deer was watching me from across the street.

Tonight we watched two episodes of Netflix’s “Wanted”.  We have two left in season 1.

Nancy headed to bed at 2100.  I stayed up and finished reading the GRP.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok. Rain tonight and temp will dip to low 50s.  Tomorrow more rain with temperatures only in the 50s.

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