Wednesday, September 21, 2022

September 20, 2022

 Tuesday September 20, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0715, first thing I opened garage and backed out the Escape.  It was dark and gloomy with temperature in mid 50s.  Checked my iPhones weather app.  It called for rain starting at 1100.  I do not want to get rained on so I made a schedule change.

After the at home morning routine I put on warm bike clothes and headed out without a backpack.  I headed directly to Y.  After my Y routine I would head directly home bypassing Panera.  

At home I showered and shaved and then drove the Escape to Panera.  Panera was empty and out of most bakery items.  I got coffee and a scone.  Read the Mi papers and finished yesterday’s blog.

Left Panera at noon.  I have a early afternoon Dentist appointment so I took my MG pill and cleaned my teeth.  Arrived at the Dentist at 1330.  Today the Dentist will remove my upper implant and give it a good cleaning.  I was in the Dentist chair for 90 minutes.  Glad I only have to do this every six months.

On way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.

It is Tuesday so for dinner we drove to Leo’s.  We both had a hot dog and split an order of fries.  I also had a glass of milk.

On our drive home we encountered six Deer and several wild Turkeys.  Fall is the best time for critter viewing.

For our viewing tonight we watched episode 2, season 7 of my favorite show, “Shetland”.  It was good.

Temp in high 60s when checked Courtyard before bed.  It was windy and pitch black.  Temp will remain in high 60s all night.  High temp tomorrow 82.  After that we have a week where high temps will be in 60s.

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