Friday, September 23, 2022

September 22, 2022

 Thursday September 22, 2022

Blog time 1600 on Friday.  Yes a day late.

Up at 0715.  First thing as always, opened garage and backed out Escape.  The sun was just coming up.  Sunrise today 0731 and sunset at 1937.  12h06’ of daylight.  Today is the first day of fall.

Morning calisthenics followed by breakfast.  

Biked to Y.  Once again the Y was empty.

After Y biked to Panera.  

Today I took my mini iPad because it is much lighter than iPad Pro.  

Coffee and baguette before starting morning reading.

Yesterday I hit a bump on my bike and something snapped in the bike seat.  Today I found the back of the seat had dropped several inches making the ride uncomfortable. 

Today Nancy had a noon PT session.

As soon as I got home I took off the bike seat and post and drove to Ada bike.  They put the seat back in alignment.

At home shower and quick lunch.  

I put the bike seat back on the bike.  It was not perfect so I tried to make an adjustment.  BANG!  The entire seat assembly came apart.  My effort to reassemble the seat was not successful.  Try again tomorrow.

The news tonight made no mention of today being the first day of Fall.  The hurricane along the east coast dominated.

I had a very light dinner. Cup of yogurt with toast.

Tonight Debbie Facetimed.  She was tired from the long work hours and the commute to office.  She has to go to office three days a week.  

Debbie has hired a dog walker on days she reports to office.  Both the walker and Violet have bonded.

Tonight we watched a show on Netflix, “Wanted”.  It is the Australian version of Thelma and Louise.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Pitch black and cold.  Temp will drop to 30s overnight.


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