Sunday, September 11, 2022

Saturday September 10, 2022

 Saturday September 10, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Activities today.

Up at 0730.  We had breakfast at Nonna’s in Ada.  On our ride to Ada we saw two deer grazing on the side the road.

At Nonna’s we sat outside.  Nancy had an English muffin and I had 2 fried eggs, bacon and potatoes.  Very good.

At home Nancy did the laundry.

I took a 10 mile bike ride.  Perfect day for a ride, sun and temps in 70.  I also was several deer.

Spent the afternoon in the office catching up on financial and other house keeping items.  I should do this more often.

Tonight while getting ready for dinner we saw five deer in the backyard.  We had dinner at Thornapple Brewery.  The brewery is less than a mile from Condo.

Nancy had a Diet Coke and I had a 16 oz lager.  The lager was made on the premises.  Very good.  We also split a 12” pizza, ham and pineapple. 

On way home we saw 8 deer on airport property.  Only during the mating season do we see this many deer.  

Speaking of critters I haven’t seen a wild turkey in three weeks.  Also no sighting of the teeny tiny green toads in the courtyard.

Sure sign of fall.  The bike path is loaded with acorns and walnuts that have fallen off trees.

Debbie Facetimed this evening.  This week Apple required employees to spent three days in the office.  Debbie said they were long days.  She hired a dog sitter to stop by two times whiles she is at work.  It went well.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Crownies on Acorn”.  

Checked Courtyard tonight and again noted the bright full moon.  How long does a full moon last?  Two weeks?

Our nice weather ends tonight.  Rain tomorrow.

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